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PEI Equipment - Details Page
  • 30 Jan 2025
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PEI Equipment - Details Page

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Article summary

To open an Equipment Details Page, click on the desired Equipment ID hyperlink in the Equipment Main Screen (or any other screen). See IMS Details Page.

The Equipment Details Page can be divided into sections:


The header of the detail page shows the name of the Equipment / Equipment ID and several navigation options.

The Equipment details header.

For more information on the icons see IMS Details Page.


Most of the fields listed in this section are described in Creating new PEI Equipment. In addition, the following data may also be shown here:

  • FLOC Level - the Floc Level of the parent FLOC. The FLOC Level is read from interfaced CMMS, when applicable.

  • SAP Equipment ID – an interfaced field with SAP.

  • SAP Interface Status – “IMS” - Source is IMS, or “SAP” - Source is SAP (confirmed), or “SAP Synthetic” - Synthetic equipment created for a FLOC with no equipment, or “SAP Synthetic Review” - Synthetic equipment but in need of review.

  • Inspection Reason – inherited from the FLOC if Inspection Reason is not specified. This is an API or other classification.

  • Criticality Codes – an interfaced field with SAP.

  • HEMP – you can specify this. It is also possible to change from HEMP to ABC Indicator. See HEMP/ABC indicator functionality overview.

  • Longitude, Latitude and Altitude – can be specified.

Details section on the Details page.

Deleting Equipment

To delete an Equipment:

  • Go to the Equipment Details Page.

  • In the Details section, click Edit.

  • Uncheck the Active checkbox to make the Equipment inactive.

  • Click Save.

  • You will be asked to if the FLOC should also be inactive. You can click Yes or No. In both cased the Equipment can be deleted.

  • Now the Delete button will also show in the Details section.

  • Click Delete.

  • A pop-up will ask you to confirm. Review the details and click OK (or Cancel). Note: You may need to first remove an Explicit object.

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A pop-up will show the Equipment details before deletion takes place. In this case an Explicit object must first be removed.

A pop up message will appear stating that the deletion of the Equipment was successful.


Various types of Schedules can be registered for an Equipment. All of them are shown here. You can also create a new Schedule from here. The table below explains the grid information.

Note: When a default Schedule is displayed here, you should create an inspection Schedule. Once that Schedule is Approved, the default Schedule will disappear. If there is no need for a Schedule, set the Inspection Reason of the FLOC or Equipment to "CLASS 4".

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The Schedules section on the Equipment Details Page.

Schedule grid:




Name and ID of the Schedule

Schedule Type


Next Inspection Date

Next Inspection Date of the Schedule


Short description of the Schedule


In case of a Corrosion Schedule, the Circuit ID

Pending status

The status of the Schedule (e.g. Insp Complete, Recalculation, Sched Edit / New Insp)


Category of the Schedule specified by user:

  • Category 1: Integrity

  • Category 2: Reliability

  • Category 3: Long term reliability

For more information see Creating Schedules.

Last Inspection Date

Last inspection date on recurring Schedules for which a previous Schedule was already credited.


The current approval status of the event.


Offline Schedule (true/false)


Intrusive Schedule (true/false)


Recurring Schedule (true/false)


Showing the exact interval on the (recurring) Schedule.


Before Next Inspection Date


Shows a timeline for the Next Inspection Date (NID) and Next Next Inspection Date (NNID).

Nr. Of Attachments

Number of attachments


Any assigned custom labels.

Schedule driver

Schedule driver, e.g. RBI-Asset, Corrosion calc, etc.

Card View

You can change from grid view to card view. To do this, click the display button A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated in the top right corner. Each Schedule will then be displayed as a Card.


You can also click the settings button to manage which columns are shown / hidden.


You can use the filters to see specific Schedules. By default, it filters for the uncredited Schedules. For more information on filters see IMS Main Screen (Grid List).

Schedule Types

Schedules can be assigned to both Equipment and corrosion Circuits. On Equipment level these are Inspection, CAIR (Corrective Action Inspection Recommendation), or RBI Re-assessment Schedules. For corrosion Circuits, only Corrosion Schedules can be assigned. All non-corrosion Schedules can be credited by adding and approving an Equipment Condition History (ECH), which includes detailed information about the inspection performed. For more information see Schedule Types.

Creating Schedules

Schedules can be created in 3 ways.

  • DEFAULT Schedules are automatically created when a new piece of Equipment is added. These auto-created Schedules act as a “safety net” for which the minimal time interval should be set (12 months) for the DEFAULT Schedule.*

  • CAIR, INSPECTION and RBI RE-ASSESSMENT Schedules are created via the Schedule menu or in the Equipment Condition History (ECH) detail views.

  • For a recurring Schedule when it is credited via an ECH, a new recurring Schedule is created which is populated with the details/attributes/scope copied from the credited Schedule.

*When you create and approve an Inspection Schedule (or RBI Re-assessment Schedules) the Default Schedule will be deleted (because there is now a valid Schedule for the Equipment). If all Inspection Schedules (and RBI Re-assessment Schedules)  for the Equipment are credited (not applicable to recurring), made inactive or deleted, the Default Schedule would come back. For Equipment with a "Class 4" Inspection Reason or belonging to a FLOC with a “Class 4” Inspection Reason, no default Schedules will be generated.

Equipment NID Date

A piece of Equipment can have multiple Schedules of different types (e.g. Inspection Schedules and Circuit Corrosion Schedules). The Next Inspection Date (NID) for the Equipment is based on the earliest NID for the active Schedules.

For more information on Schedules see PEI Schedules.

Condition History

The Condition History section shows all inspections that were performed for the Equipment.

The ECH is used to document historical information on pieces of Equipment obtained during inspections (except for corrosion circuits or thickness data). Significant events in the Equipment lifecycle should be recorded with an ECH.

Once the ECH is approved, it will be a permanent record that can be retrieved from either its active location or from a Record Archive or Salvage location.

There are different types of Condition Histories. Some will have only Narratives (when no inspection was performed but significant events should be registered), others both credit a Schedule or multiple Schedules (excluding Schedule type CORROSION) and describe the work and findings associated with the Schedule(s) using Checklists.

The Condition history in grid view. Click the display button to change to card view.

The table below explains this data grid.

Equipment Condition history grid:



Condition Date

Date of the inspection performed.


Short description of the inspection results.

Schedule Credited

Schedules being credited by the ECH.

ECH Checklist

ECH Checklist being used.

Current Event

In case an ECH is assigned to an Event, the event name is shown (e.g. INSPECTION RECOMMENDATION, OPPORTUNITY, PIT STOP, ROUTINE MTC, TA).

Created Schedules

List of both (autogenerated) recurring Schedules and manually added Schedules created by this ECH are shown.



Nr of Attachments

Number of files (e.g. documents, images) attached to the ECH.

Note: You can change from grid view to card view. To do this, click the display button A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated in the top right corner. Each ECH will then be displayed as a Card.

To create a new ECH from here:

  • Click the + button.

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Click the + to create a new ECH.

 For more information on ECHs see PEI Condition History (ECH).


The Hierarchy grid shows the Equipment, Component and Circuits assigned to this Equipment. A Circuit is an area of the Equipment, which is subject to similar Corrosion Rates (internal corrosion). The Components of an Equipment are designed to be assessed in RBI and can cover more than just internal corrosion mechanisms. The Age-Related mechanisms of a Component should ideally be linked with the Circuit (see Relationship between CLs, Components and Circuits).

From here you can also create a New Circuit, while Components can be created from the RBI section.

Information from the included Components and Circuits is rolled-up to the Equipment level, such as earliest Remnant Life (RL), earliest Next Inspection Date (NID), based on all assigned Equipment Schedules and the Last Inspection Date (LID).

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The Hierarchy section on the Equipment Details Page.

For Tank Equipment a link for adding/viewing Girders will be available in this section. These are applicable to the Load Case 2 calculations, which you will find on the Sub-Component. Girder can also be added from there.

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For tanks, you can use the Girders link to view or add Girders.



This section is only enabled if the Has Cathodic Protection field has been checked in the Equipment Details section. For more information see Cathodic Protection on PEI Equipment.


The RBI section shows the RBI data for each Component-DM assigned to the registered Equipment.

You can create a New Component from here.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generated

The RBI section on the Equipment Details Page.

The table below explains this data grid.

Equipment RBI grid:




Component Name

Degradation Mechanism

Name of the damage mechanism applied to the Component.

Component Material

Component Material

Corrosion Loop

Loop to which the Component is assigned to, which shares similar exposure of Degradation Mechanism (DM) susceptibility, such as material of construction, process fluid, temperature, pressure and/or flow velocity.

Schedule ID

Schedules to which the Component-DM is assigned (in scope).

Circuit ID

Circuits to which the Component is inherit. If set inherit, this means that the Component-DM is assigned to the Corrosion Schedule and the RBI results will take part in the NID horse race.


Susceptibility to Failure


Economic consequences


Health & Safety consequences


Environmental consequences


Community consequences


Criticality Rating


Confidence question 1


Confidence question 2


Confidence question 3


Confidence question 4


Confidence Rating


Remaining Corrosion Allowance


Suggested Corrosion Rate


Remnant Life


Interval Factor


Maximum Inspection Interval


Legal Local Interval


Next Inspection Date (LID + MII)


Inspection Strategy

Add to scope

Click the button to add the Component-DM to the scope of an active (Inspection) Schedule.


This is available if the Component-DM was already added to a Schedule. You can click this button to further populate the “What is Planned” checklist.

For more information on RBI see PEI Degradation Management - Implementation and Risk Based Inspection (RBI) - Theory.

Equipment Strategy (and CCAM)

The Equipment inspection strategy allows the user to capture NDE and inspection scope for the inspection and monitor of the Equipment Degradation Mechanisms. In edit mode the section is shown as a Rich Text Field (RTF) with several features.

Click Edit to add text.


Rich Text Default

IMS offers the possibility to define rich text defaults for several sections in IMS. For more information see IMS Details Page.


The CUI Consequence Assessment Model (CCAM) is implemented at Equipment level and should be performed to assess CUI maintenance requirements. CCAM assesses the Consequence of Failure and the priority (priority 1 / priority 2). This is a simplified version of the Consequence Assessment used in S-RBI. Initially Consequential Business Loss (CBL) should not be included. This focuses mitigation prioritization on process safety.

It is advice to manage CUI over CCAM for CCAM priority 1 and through S-RBI for priority 2.

To perform a CCAM:

  • Click the CCAM tab;

  • Click Edit;

  • Fill in the assessment to determine the Priority;

  • Click Save when done.

A CCAM assessment is done on the Equipment Details Page.

Note: You can also filter your Equipment based on their CCAM CUI Priority on the Equipment Main screen (list).

Filter for CCAM CUI Priorities.

You can find more guidance with regards to the Degradation Management of CUI (incl. CCAM) in Corrosion Under Insolation (CUI)


Equipment Specifications stores the asset integrity data for the specific Equipment group (e.g. AIRCOOLER, BOILER, VESSEL, PIPE), e.g., specific operating parameters, start date, design pressure, operating temperature, and fluid type. Equipment Specifications can be inherited from the parent (i.e. FLOC). For more information on the Specs section and on inheriting Specs see IMS Details Page.

Drawings and Documents

Use this section to search for and link drawings to the Equipment.


In this section pictures, drawings, reports, and other data can be uploaded and saved to be part of the Equipment file. For more information on using the Attachment section see IMS Details Page.


The Piping section is a specific section which is only shown for Equipment group: "PIPING SYSTEM". It shows a list of all PIPE Equipment or pipe segments belonging to the PIPING SYSTEM.

Note: The PIPING SYSTEM itself will get a DEFAULT Schedule when generated. However, for a PIPE in this PIPING SYSTEM, a DEFAULT Schedule will not be generated.


Additional Equipment data, that was not captured in the Detail and the Specs sections of the Equipment, can be entered in the Description section. Like the Equipment Strategy section, this is also a Rich Text Field (RTF) (see IMS Details Page).


During the RBI workshop and Corrosion Loop review, valuable recommendations are often suggested by the team. These, and other, can be capture in the Recommendations section. This is also a Rich Text Field (RTF) (see IMS Details Page).

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