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RCM Data Import
  • 30 Jan 2025
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RCM Data Import

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Article summary

This RCM online tutorial describes how to (bulk) import RCM data with the import functionality.

Data ca be imported via Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data.

General Functionality

The Import Data section provides an import facility for large amounts of data.

The following import types can be selected / imported in RCM:

  • Floc

  • Equipment

  • RCM Analysis

  • Schedule

  • Condition History

  • System

  • System Equipment

  • SIFpro Floc

  • SIFpro Equipment

  • SIFpro Equipment

This list may have been updated since this article was written.

The Importing Steps

You will be guided in the importing process by an Import Wizard. For more information see Importing Data.

RCM Analysis Import

When to use import instead of the Copy/Paste Wizard

Despite all the functionality available for review and update of RCM Analyses, like the Copy/Paste Wizard, there can be practical situations where even a more powerful update (bulk) import / update method is desired.


To import RCM analysis there are a few prerequisites to take into account.

  1. The Floc or Equipment must exist in the application - first. Note: An analysis import cannot be used to create new Flocs or Equipment.

  2. The Equipment / Floc's Analysis data must be assigned to a System. Note: The System Equipment import can be used to assign Equipment or Flocs in bulk to existing Systems.

  3. The import can only create Analyses for existing Failure modes ,Task definitions and Frequencies. Note: It will not create new configurations for unknow objects. If not available, it can be created using the Settings area.

Update or Add?

The RCM Analysis import can be used to update existing or create new Analyses.

Updating existing data

To update existing analyses data, it is recommended to first export that specific data using the export button in the Analysis Main View.

The Export button opens the Export dialog. Here you can select to export all records or only the selected some. If the export will be used for an import it is recommended to use the export for Import option, as the fields relevant for the update, are then exported.

The result does not only list the Analysis as shown in the grid, but it will also include the related Tasks. The export result therefore will have more lines than the number of records in the analysis table. Attached an example of the data exported, with the column headers.

Since the 2024.1 release it is possible to export/import the Criticality Asset consequence data in Direct, Simple and Detailed format.

Use case 1: Update of free text fields

  • Create an export for the records to update.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Change the specific text fields that you would like to update and save the Excel file.

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed.

  • Finalize the import.

Use case 2: Update of frequencies

  • Create an export for the records to update.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Change the frequency field that you would like to update, using existing frequency definitions, and save the Excel file.

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed.

  • Finalize the import.

Use case 3: Update Task name with an existing name in IMS

  • Create an export for the records to update.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Change the Task name fields for the records that you would like to update, using existing Task definitions, and save the Excel file,

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed,

  • Finalize the import,

Use case 4: Updates of ETBF and ETBC

  • Create an export for the records to update.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Change the ETBF or ETBC fields for the records that you would like to update, making sure to use numeric values in the Unit of Measure of "Years". Save the Excel file.

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed.

  • Finalize the import.

Adding New Data

To add new analyses, it is recommended to first export similar data using the export button in Analysis Main View.

The export button opens the Export dialog. Here you can select to export all records or only the selected ones. If the export will be used for an import it is recommended to use the export for import option.

The result does not only list the analysis as shown in the grid, but it will also include the related tasks. The export result therefore will have more lines than the number of records in the analysis table.

This result can be used as an example for the data you would like to add (by copying and updating in Excel). Before importing, make sure to remove example lines that do not need updating.

Use case 5: Creation of new Tasks

  • Create an export of the Failure Mode records that you want to add Tasks to.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Add new Tasks in the sheet. Make sure to repeat all identifying fields for each Task row, as the import needs to know where to add the Task.

  • Clear the unique task ID field as this will identify it as a new task during the import

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed.

  • Finalize the import.

Use case 6: Creation of new FM with tasks for an existing system

  • Create an export of the Analysis in the System you want to add data to.

  • Open the created Excel file (available as a download in the browser).

  • Use the example records to create new lines for each Failure Mode - Task combination that you want to add.

  • Clear the unique Task ID field as this will ensure that IMS identifies it as a new Task during the import.

  • Go to Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data .

  • Select the file to import using the Browse button.

  • Select the proper import type: RCM Analysis.

  • Go through the steps of the import wizard.

  • Resolve validation issues if needed.

  • Finalize the import.


The schedule import can be used to create new Schedules for Equipment that is maintained via implementation systems other than SAP.

Schedules created via the import can be recognized by the Schedule Type.

Condition History

To Support crediting RCM Intellitrack or manually created Schedules, there is an option to import Equipment Condition Histories.


The System import enables you to creates multiple Systems, including Functions and Functional Failures.

This import only creates the System and adds it to the selected parent location (unit).

The Equipment or Flocs are not added to the Systems. Note: To add Equipment and/or Flocs to a System, you can use the System Equipment import.

It is also possible to first do an Export for Import and then updated that excel sheet for import.

The exported file includes the main System data along with all fields related to functions and functional failures.

For more information and examples see: RCM Systems - Creating / Importing.

System Equipment

With the System Equipment import Floc’s and/or Equipment can be added to an existing System. The System, as well as the Floc/Equipment, must first exist in the database. The import will not create new objects.

After this import, the RCM Analysis Import can be used to load the Analysis to the available Flocs or Equipment.

For more information on System Equipment imports see Select Equipment - Importing. See also the instruction video: Add Equipment to Systems Episode 4 Video.

SIFpro Floc

The SIFpro criticality import enables you to import the SIL levels of Flocs. These are then evaluated in the overall RCM priority of Flocs and Equipment.

SIFpro Equipment

The SIFpro criticality import enables you to import the SIL levels of Equipment. These are then evaluated in the overall RCM priority of Flocs and Equipment.

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