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- IMS PEI for Civil Equipment.
The development of a long-term inspection and maintenance plan for your Civil assets involves several steps, as listed below.
Prepare the basis for the plan:
- Define the Civil Asset in IMS (Step 1).
- Start the RBI Analysis, assign the Degradation Mechanisms and define the most credible Failure Scenario (Step 2).
- Determine the Condition Status (i.e., review the Inspection History and credit the Degradation Mechanisms) (Step 3).
- Estimate the Remaining Functional Life (only AR) (Step 4).
- Determine the Probability (AR) or Likelihood (NAR) of Failure (Step 5).
- Rate the Consequences of Failure (Step 6).
- Review the Criticality and Present Failure Risk (Step 7).
Prepare a Risk Based Inspection Plan:
- Determine the Confidence and Inspection Interval Factor (only AR) (Step 8).
- Determine the Next Inspection Date and link to an Inspection Schedule (only AR) (Step 9).
Prepare an Optimized Maintenance Plan:
- Define alternative Preventive Maintenance Scenarios (Step 10).
- Estimate the Life Cycle Costs for PM Scenarios (Step 11).
- Evaluate the Maintenance Scenarios (Step 12).
For Age-Related Degradation Mechanisms, each of above steps are applicable, whereas for Non-Age-Related (event-related) Degradation Mechanisms steps 4, 8 and 9 can be disregarded.
Degradation Management Process
The figure below shows how these steps fit into the Degradation Management process:
The Civil Degradation Management work process. The blue blocks are only applicable the AR Failure Modes.
The figure below outlines the specific RBI assessment steps:

IMS Civil Hierarchy & Workflow
When implementing the software steps, you can refer to the following Hierarchy and workflow.Workflow in IMS.
For more background information see Civil Methodology - Background.
For more information on the IMS Software interface see Civil Software - Overview.
See also the Civil Glossary.