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Exporting and Importing Dynamic Forms Data
Data from Dynamic Form Checklists on Schedules / ECHs can be exported in Excel format. The export is useful for additional data analysis in Excel. Also, the exported sheets can be used to update / add additional data and then be imported back into IMS, i.e., this way you can make bulk updates to your Checklists.
Exporting Dynamic Form Checklists
Export Formats
You can export Checklist data in one of two formats:
- Checklist: Data are arranged with one Question/Field per row.
Example of Checklist export.
- Pivoted Checklist: Data are pivoted so that Questions/Fields are columns, sorted by sequence.

Exporting Checklist Data from the Schedules / ECH Main Screen
To export your Checklists:
- Open the Schedules / ECH Main Screen.
- Select the desired Schedules / ECHs.
- In the toolbar click the Export button.
- Click here to export in your desired format.
Exporting Dynamic Forms Checklist Answers
Exporting Checklist Data from the Dynamic Forms Interface
You can also export the data collected with any Dynamic Form directly from the Dynamic Forms wizard.
To export Collected Data from the Dynamic Forms wizard:
- Select the desired Dynamic Form from the Main Grid.
- Select the Collected Data tab.
- Select the Answers tab.
- Click Export.
This option will only be shown when there are more than 100 records associated with the selected Dynamic Form Checklist. All of the Collected Data will be exported.

Importing Checklist Data
Your Exported (and updated) Dynamic Form Checklist data can be imported back into IMS via the Import Wizard in Settings \ Data Transfer \ Import Data, using either the Schedule Dynamic Forms or Condition History Dynamic Forms import type. Rows for which the Value column is empty, will be skipped by the importer, so not all Checklist questions need to be answered for this import to work.
Note: The respective templates are also available to download from here, and filled in.