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Witnessing Process for Schedules
Steps in the Schedule Witnessing process.
The first sections in the Chapter gives an overview of the Witnessing Process by explaining the role of the different Users in terms of the Witnessing Process steps. The subsequent sections explain these steps in more details.
The Witnessing Process Steps
The flow diagram above illustrates the steps within the Schedule Witnessing process:
The Witnessing Process Steps:
Create a Schedule.
Mark (unapproved) Schedule for Supervision and/or Authority.
Final Approve the Schedule,
If a Schedule is marked for Supervision, review Schedule. This process can best be started from the Witnessing Dashboard.
If a Schedule is marked for Authority, do Authorized Schedule Sampling. This process can best be started from the Witnessing Dashboard.
If the Schedule was Disapproved, or if more information was requested:
If required, do the NCR according to Authority specifications.
Review and Edit the Schedule.
Final Approve the Schedule again.
Whenever a Schedule is Edited, it must again be reviewed by the Supervisor and Authorized.
When Witnessing is complete, the Schedule can be released, and the Field Inspection can commence (according to the Authority specifications).
Note: It is not necessary to mark for both Supervision and Authority. The one can be selected without the other. In this case, the steps that are not applicable (Supervision or Authority) can just be skipped.
Mark Schedule for Witnessing
All users who are authorized to create and/or modify Schedules can mark a Schedule for Witnessing. In other words, they can mark a Schedule for an additional Review and Approval on its Scope and documentation.
To set Witnessing Supervision and/or Authority for a Schedule:
Create a new Schedule or Edit an existing Schedule (CAIR or Inspection);
Check the boxes for Supervision and/or Authority.
Note: On already Final Approved Schedules, the checkboxes cannot be checked. Supervision and/or Authority can only be checked when there is a pending event;
Fill in the rest and click Save.
Check the boxes for Supervision and/or Authority.
The Approval sidebar will now show another tab Witnessing and the number of Witnessing reviews done for this Schedule.

The Approval sidebar shows ‘Witnessing’ tab and the number of Witnessing reviews done for this Schedule.
All Schedules/ECH marked for Witnessing must be supplied with the essential attachments to help the Supervisor / Authority understand the aim and conclusion of the inspection activities.
Final Approve the Schedule
Before the Witnessing process can start, the Schedule must be Final Approved.

Schedule must be Final Approved for Witnessing to commence.
Supervision - Review the Schedule
After the Schedule is Final Approved it can be Witnessed. A Schedules should be Witnessed in a specific order, as illustrated in the flowchart above.
First, the Supervisor (Assigned Job: "Senior Inspector/Engineer"), must do a Supervision Review.
First review Schedules list marked for Supervision via the Witnessing Dashboard.
Open desired Schedule Detail Pages from the Witnessing Dashboard. Then for each Schedule:
Click the Witnessing Tab of the Approval Sidebar.
Check that Witnessing is enabled. If not, make sure that:
The Schedule is Final Approved; and
The user has the Sr Insp/Eng Job assigned to his account (see Setting up for Witnessing).
Witnessing is disabled if the Schedule is not Final Approved or if the user does not have the Sr Insp/Eng Job assigned.
Click on the
button to add a Reviewer.
Select "Approve" or "Disapprove" from the dropdown.
First the Sr Insp\Eng must Disapprove or Approve.
If Disapproved, always write a Comment.
Witnessing shows Supervision Disapproved.
If Supervision is Disapproved, the Witnessing tab will show “Disapproved”.
If Supervision is Disapproved:
The Schedule is still Final Approved, but
The Inspector should Review the Schedule: Edit the Schedule to modify and add information in order to comply to the conditions set by the Supervisor. Note: The check for Supervision and Authority can also be removed.
After the changes were made, the Inspector must again Final Approve the Schedule.
Witnessing can start again.
If Supervision is Approved, Approval for can be specified by selecting it from the dropdown. This is meant for the Authority.

Select "Approval for".
When done, click Save.
Once the review is Approved, the Supervision is "Supervised".
Note: You can delete or edit your own Witnessing Review: Select the Review and click the - button in the toolbar, or the Edit button in front of the Witnessing record.

A user can delete or edit his review.
Take Note
Schedules can also be Supervised in bulk via the Witnessing Dashboard.
Do Authorized Schedule Witnessing
Once the Schedule is reviewed successfully (Supervised), the next step is for the Authority (Assigned Job: "Authority"), to Approve and provide information on how to do the Field Inspection.
The Authority must do an Authorized Schedule Witnessing:
First Authorized Schedule Sampling can be done via the Witnessing Dashboard.
Open desired Schedule Detail Pages from the Witnessing Dashboard. Then for each Schedule:
Click the Witnessing Tab of the Approval Sidebar.
Check that Witnessing is enabled. If not, make sure that:
The Schedule is Supervised; and
The user has the Authority Job assigned to his account (see Setting up for Witnessing).
Click on the
Add an Authority record, by selecting the following options:
Field | Options |
Approval (+ comment) | Disapprove – Always add a Comment. (In this case an additional Approval cycle is needed.) More information required - Always add a Comment. (Note: An additional Approval cycle is needed.) No scope review / No field inspection Approved / Scope review required / No field inspection required Approved / No Scope review required / Field inspection required Approved / Scope review required / Field inspection required |
Field Inspection (+ comment) | Witness together Witness later The comment field should be used to add information with regards to the Field Inspection, e.g. the name of the Inspector with whom it was completed. |
NCR (+ comment) | Non-Conformance Report. Once checked, additional NCR fields appear. A comment with additional information on the NCR is important. |
NCR Impact | Minor - No risk to the integrity of pressure Equipment or the coherence of the management system. Major - Risk for the integrity of pressure Equipment and/or the coherence of the management system. Attention – Not used everywhere |
NCR Closed (+ comment) | This should be checked when the Non-Conformance Report is closed. The Authority must use the comment to specify the requirements and evidence from the NCR, to support the closing of the NCR. |
When Approving, the Authority can also specify if a Field Inspection must take place.
In the next field he can then specify if this should take place Together or Later. The Inspector should invite the Authority for the inspection if “Together” was specified.
When Disapproving, the Authority can also mark the Schedule for a "Non-Conformance Report" (NCR):
In the NCR comment, the Authority can point out the details of a Non-Conformance identified during the quality audit / process review. The objective is to make an unambiguous, defensible, clear and concise definition of the problem so that corrective action can and will be initiated by management.
If the NCR is closed, the details on how the Non-Conformance was resolves can be specified in the comment field.
When Disapproved, or “More information required” is specified:
The Schedule is still Final Approved, but
The Inspector should Review the Schedule: Edit the Schedule to modify and add information in order to comply to the conditions set by the Authority.
After the changes were made, the Inspector must again Final Approve the Schedule.
A new review (i.e. Supervision) and Authority Approval round is required.
Once the Authority has Approved the Schedule, the Witnessing section will look similar to the below figure.

Schedule Supervised, information requested, and Authority Approved.
Note: The Witnessing information can be Exported to Excel, by clicking on the Export button.
Take Note
Schedules can also be Authorized in bulk via the Witnessing Dashboard.