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Application Settings
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Application Settings

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Article summary

Configuration subsections.

The Application Settings section in the Settings Menu is a configuration screen for general features within IMS.

Each record is a configuration setting and can have one of the following values/configurations:

  • A value: Alphanumeric values
  • B value: Boolean values
  • N value: Numeric value
To configure an Application Setting.

Application settings are often site-specific requests and configured accordingly. Note: Changes you make can have an impact on the features within IMS.

Who can configure items in the Application Settings

Typically, your implementation consultant (Cenosco or other) will configure the Application Settings for you.

The following settings are the most relevant settings which can be applied:

Most relevant Application Settings:

Editable values

Allow editing of condition history after final approval?

Allows whether or not an ECH can be Edited after final approval, without the need for a backout event.

B-value 0 = no edit

B-value 1 = edit button

Enable Unified Hierarchy ViewEnable/disable Unified Hierarchy View on the FLOC and Equipment Details Pages.B-value 1 = unified hierarchy view enabled

How many days before the Next Inspection Date should the SAP release date be set?

SAP Release date is set a # of days before the Next Inspection Date, but not earlier than today. This field specifies how much days the SAP Release Date is set.

N Value = # of days

Inherit by default on new Circuits

Determines whether specs are inherited by default from Equipment when a new Circuit is created.

B-value 0 = no default inherit

B-value 1 = inherit by default

Inherit by default on new CMLs

Determines whether specs are inherited by default from Circuit when a new CML is created.

B-value 0 = no default inherit

B-value 1 = inherit by default

Inherit by default on new Components

Determines whether specs are inherited by default from Equipment when a new Component is created.

B-value 0 = no default inherit

B-value 1 = inherit by default

Inherit by default on new Equipment

Determines whether specs are inherited by default from Floc when a new Equipment is created.

B-value 0 = no default inherit

B-value 1 = inherit by default

Search for SDX Configuration

Allows to configure and enable the use of SDx with Floc and Equipment in the Drawings and Documents section.

A value = SDx configuration parameters

B-value = 0 SDx search document disabled

B-value = 1 SDx search document enabled

Should the specs be in uppercase?

Allows the user to choose whether to have the Specs displayed in capitals.

B-value 0 = False

B-value 1 = True

Should the specs show all decimals?

Option is being used to show all decimals or limited number of decimals. The default is 3 decimals (B-value = 1 and N-value = 3).

B-value 1 = max 15 decimals shown

N-value >= 0 and B-value 0 = N number of decimals shown

N-value Null or -1 and B-value 0 = number of decimals is defined by unit of measure of that spec

Show task tab in RBI

Settings enabled the Task tab in RBI.

B-value 0 = Task tab is not shown

B-value 1 = Task tab is shown

What is text preceding employee's short name and date when a condition history description is appended to?

Switch for when it is allowed to append an ECH, ECH Narratives can be appended when they are Final Approved.

Note: Allow editing of condition history after final approval should be 0.

A value = Text shown in front of the append text of the ECH.

Witnessing on Schedules and ECHs

Witnessing is a site-specific request on additional checks and reviews/supervision on ECHs and Schedules.

B-value 0 = witnessing disabled

B-value 1 = witnessing enabled

HAZOP Template
Determines which HAZOP template is used.A-value Evergreen = Original HAZOP template
A-value ResRisk = Residual Risk HAZOP template
SIS Multistep approval
When SIS Multistep approval is active two users are needed for Final Approval.

B-value 0 = Multistep disabled

B-value 1 = Multistep enabled

Enable Bowtie
Enable/disable check for showing Bowtie in SIS module

B-value 0 = Bowtie disabled

B-value 1 = Bowtie enabled

Hide / show SRS report in SIS module

B-value 0 = SRS Report disabled

B-value 1 = SRS Report enabled

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