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CMMS to IMS Interface
  • 09 Aug 2024
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CMMS to IMS Interface

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Article summary

Interfaces in general can be seen in the image below (as an example, the one on the image is the most often used one, SAP):

Generic Interface Design

Asset Hierarchy Interface

  • Asset Hierarchy Interface contains Top-Level Hierarchy, FLOC and Equipment Interface

    • Pre-conditions or pre-requirements in order for Asset Hierarchy Interface to work properly are:

      • All Units in should be on the same level

      • Each Equipment should be assigned on a proper Floc

      • Each Floc must have it's Parent Floc (Superior Floc) with correct attributes, all the way up until the Site level

      • Each Floc should have Equipment, unless it is by default that Client does not use the Equipment. Then in IMS, a Synthetic Equipment will be created

      • Target is to achieve the relation of Floc and Equipment 1:1

      • Each Object Type should be mapped to proper Hierarchy Type

      • Changing Object Type while the Interfaces are Enabled will most certainly lead to one or more interface blockers (please read more about Interface Blockers [here])

    • Example for Asset Hierarchy Interface

      • What does it do?

        • Keeps Asset Hierarchy aligned in both systems to avoid having Equipment not analyzed

        • When is it triggered?

          • When a new piece of Equipment is created in CMMS or when existing one is updated

          • How does it work?

            • New information is pushed to IMS -> IMS is updated -> New Data is display in the Dashboards

Asset Hierarchy Interface - Simple Schema

Inspection Schedule Interface (Schedule/MP Interface)

  • Inspection Schedule Interface contains Schedules from IMS Side, and from SAP Side: Maintenance Plans, Items and Preventive Work Orders, as well as Task Lists and Notifications

    • Pre-conditions or pre-requirements in order for Inspection Schedule Interface to work properly are:

      • Each Schedule must be under proper Equipment

      • That Equipment must be an interfaced/mapped Equipment, which means it must have a corresponding Equipment Number

      • Each Equipment must be correctly mapped to a Floc

      • That Floc must be an interfaced/mapped Floc, which means it must have a corresponding CMMS Floc ID (unique ID that marks a Floc in CMMS System)

      • That Floc must be connected to a proper, mapped Unit, which must have Department value set to correspond to a Maintenance Plant in CMMS System

      • In order for connection between IMS and CMMS to work in both ways, certain Responsible Discipline must be set, and Schedule must be Active

    • Example for Inspection Schedule Interface

      • What does it do?

        • Transfer inspection schedule data from/to IMS to/from CMMS for planning and/or budgeting purposes

      • When is it triggered?

        • When a schedule is approved (new or modified) in IMS or when it has been set as completed in CMMS

      • How does it work?

        • Data is pushed from IMS to CMMS: in case an Inspection data approval (e.g. new NID)

        • Data is pushed from CMMS to IMS: in case the change of the related status

Inspection Schedules Interface - Simple Schema

Mandatory Fields in Interfacing

Asset Hierarchy Interface – FLOC

Asset Hierarchy Interface - FLOC Mandatory Fields

The image above shows visual of mandatory fields for Interfacing (FLOC).

  • Besides the above mentioned fields, there are also some additional fields that are visible depending by module, but are also interfaced:

    • ABC Indicator

    • Object Number (CMMS Floc ID) -> it is not visible in IMS, but it serves us to map the Floc in IMS with the one in CMMS System

  • TechObType (1):

    • If TechObType (CMMS Type) exists, the appropriate Location Type will be assigned. Depending on Location Type, you will have a certain Ownership and Visibility filled in.

    • If TechObType (CMMS Type) does not exist, meaning that Floc is in IMS only, then Location Type will be added manually once User will be creating a Floc

Asset Hierarchy Interface – Equipment 

Asset Hierarchy Interface - Equipment Mandatory Fields

The image above shows visual of mandatory fields for Interfacing (Equipment).

  • Besides the above mentioned fields, there are also some additional fields that are visible depending by module, but are also interfaced:

    • ABC Indicator

  • TechObType (1):

    • If TechObType (CMMS Type) exists, the appropriate Equipment Group will be assigned. Depending on Equipment Group, you will have a certain Ownership and Visibility filled in.

    • If TechObType (CMMS Type) does not exist, meaning that Equipment is in IMS only, then Equipment Group will be added manually once User will be creating a Equipment.

  • TechnicalID (2):

    • If Technical ID field is filled in CMMS System, Equipment will have a name as filled in CMMS.

    • If that field is empty, it will gain a generic name, as previously agreed with Client

Inspection Schedules Interface – Schedule 

Inspection Schedules Interface - Schedule Mandatory Fields

The image above shows visual of mandatory fields for Interfacing (Schedules).

  • The fields that are marked in red are the ones that become assigned from CMMS System, based on for example CMMS Tracking ID for assigning a Maintenance Plan Number to proper Schedule

The image below shows what the Maintenance Plan Screen looks like when an MP link is clicked from the Schedule screen.

Inspection Schedules Interface - Maintenance Plan Screen

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