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Doing an EVA
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Doing an EVA

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Article summary

Doing the EVA.

You are ready to start the Extreme Value Analysis when:

  • EVA is activated;
  • The CMLs have measurements;
  • The Nominal WT and Renewal thickness are filled in for all the CMLs with measurements; and
  • The Equipment has a start date.

(See Preparing for an EVA.)

Open the EVA Page

To open the EVA page:

  • Click on the EVA button.
    EVA button.
  • You are directed to the EVA page.

Define Stratification(s)

At least one Stratum is required to do an EVA calculation. 

Note: It is recommended to use 20-30 tubes per Stratum. More than this can lead to non-conservative estimates.

To define the Stratifications:

  • First, create a Default Stratum for all CMLs:
    • Select the CMLs in the CML grid or hold <Ctrl> and select the CMLs directly from the HX Overview.
    • Click the Stratification button on the CML toolbar (small EVA icon) & fill in the New stratum name. 
    • Click Confirm.
      Stratification button.
      Stratification window.
  • Look at the Histogram below the CMLs (and change the Step Value if desired). This gives an indication of the measurement spread. 
For each Stratum one should aim for a homogenous spread, i.e., only CMLs or tubes subject to the same Degradation Mechanisms and thus corrosion behavior.
  • If required, create more Stratums:
    • Select desired CMLs.
    • Click the Stratification button to define / redefine a Strat.
  • Review the Histograms (per Strat) again.
Histogram with homogeneous data. You can change the Step value.


Run the EVA Calculations

To run the EVA calculations:

  • Press the Calculate button at the top of the EVA page.
EVA Calculate button.


  • IMS will fit a Gumbel distribution for every Strat and do an extrapolation in space.
  • When the calculation is done, the EVA Calculation Charts grid will be populated - one row for each Strat, showing CR, etc.

Review the Results

Now it is time to review the results.

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