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Adding Stages to Dynamic Forms
After you have created your From you can add multiple Stages to the Form. Each Stage has a Sequence number that determine the order in which they are shown in the Form.
Bulk Adding Stages
To bulk add multiple Stages to a Form:
In the Stage editor click Bulk Add.
Enter the list of Stage Names that you want to add. You can also copy and paste such a list from, e.g., Excel.
Click Insert.
Add a Descriptions.
To track the progress of a Stage, check Progress.
Click Save.
You will see the design view of the new Stages on the left. Note: You can change the sequence of the Stages by dragging the cards around.
To further Edit the Stage Properties:
Select a Stage in the left area.
The selected Stage's details will show on the right.
Check Hide Done button if you do not want to show the done button for the Stage.
Check Hide All acceptable if you do not want to make the All Acceptable button available for the Stage.
Click Save when done.
Adding a single Stage
To add a single Stage to a new Form:
In the Stage editor (or preview area) click + Add.
Change the Sequence number, if the automatic Sequence is not desired. This determines the number and order of the Stage in the Form. Note: You can also change the sequence afterwards by dragging the cards around in the preview area on the left.
Enter a Name.
Check Progress if you want to track the progress of this Stage.
Check Hide Done button if you do not want to show the done button for the Stage.
Check Hide All acceptable if you do not want to make the All Acceptable button available for the Stage.
Add a Description.
Click Save.
You will see a preview of the new Stage on the left.
Adding Sections
When this is done you can start adding Sections.
Deleting Stages
To delete a Stage:
Hover with your mouse in the preview area, over the specific Stage card.
When the delete button shows, click it.
Previewing Dynamic Forms
To help with the design of your Dynamic Forms, you can Preview how the Form will look when completing the checklist on an ECH. In Preview mode, you complete fields, upload images and add attachments; however, the data are not saved anywhere.
To preview your form:
Click Preview in the top left corner of the Wizard.

A preview of the current form will pop up and you can switch the view from Desktop, Portrait and Landscape modes to see how the Checklist will look on different devices.