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Approving LOPAs
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Approving LOPAs

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Article summary

First you need to make sure the Team Composition has been documented, then you can Approve the LOPA. When the LOPA is Approved and changes are now made in the associated HAZOP, a Syncing warning will show on the LOPA. If desired, you can then put the LOPA back in “Daft” and then SYNC the LOPA and HAZOP again.

Reviewing the Team Composition

Before Approving the LOPA, make sure that the Team Composition has been properly documented on the Team Composition Tab

Reviewing other side Tabs

In addition, you can use the side Tabs to review the Recommendations, Actions, etc. See LOPA Details - Layout.

Approving the LOPA

When satisfied that the LOPA Study is complete, it can be Approved.

To Approve the LOPA:

  • Click the Approve button to open the Approval window.
Click the Approve button. 
  • Click Approve to Approve the LOPA.
  • Click the Approve button Icon  Description automatically generated again to close the Approval window.


  • Your LOPA status will change from Draft to “FINAL APPROVAL” and you can no longer make any changes. If needed the LOPA can be put back into Draft.
  • If this is the first version to be Approved, the LOPA will change from Inactive to Active.

If changes are now made in the associated HAZOP, a Syncing warning will show on the LOPA. If desired, you can then put the LOPA back in Draft and then SYNC the LOPA and HAZOP again.The LOPA status will change to FINAL APPROVAL.

Approval Levels

For some sites different Approval levels (e.g., “Writer Approve”) have been configured. If this is the case for your site, then you can click the Approve button to change the status to your maximum allowed approval level. You can, however, use the  button next to the Approve button, to select an alternative (lower) approval level (e.g., Level 1 Approved). To do this:

  • Click the dropdown.Click the dropdown to select an Approval level. 
  • Select a level.
  • Then click … Approve to Approve on the selected level.
When the Approval level has been selected, click Approve again. 

Editing a LOPA (bringing it back to Draft)

To Edit a LOPA (bring it back to Draft):

  • Click on the Approve button.Click on the Approval button.
  • Click Edit Final Approved LOPA.Click Edit Final Approved LOPA.The LOPA will go back to Draft status.

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