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The Common Data section of the Settings Menu includes maintenance tables for all items which are being used throughout the different sections/areas within IMS, e.g. Labels, Currencies, Departments, SAP Types, etc. The information stored in these tables is again used in other master data sections and configuration Settings per Location or Equipment Type.
Change and Deferral
In the Change and Deferral section parameters relevant to integrated (Change) and Deferrals Approval process can be specified.
Action Items
Here the Action Items Status ana Categories are defined. For more information see Action Items Settings.
Here Labels can be created, updated, and deleted in bulk. Multiple labels can also be created at once by importing them via a simple template. If Labels must be updated, you can export the Labels and use the same file to import the updated Labels back again. If you need to delete multiple Labels at once, you can select all Labels that you need, and delete them. Note: Only the Label Description and Color can be updated with the importer.
Here the Currencies can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. All predefined Currencies are available to select from the Currency list in the Menu.
Here the Departments can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Global Disciplines
Global Disciplines are defined. Learn more about Disciplines in IMS Schedules and ECHs across Discipline.
Equipment Status
Here the Equipment Statuses can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. Normally only 4 statuses are used: "Idle in place"; "In Construction"; "Retired"; and "Temp Out of Service".
Event Status
Here the Event Statuses can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. Normally only "Open" and "Closed" are used.
Here the different Frequencies can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
DXF Settings
Here the DXF Configuration can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. These are required to color the AutoCAD isometrics.
See IMS Drawings.
ISO & 3D Colors
The color Settings for the Inspection Type, NID, etc. of the CML on the AutoCAD isometric and 3D drawings are defined in this table.
See IMS Drawings.
Minimum Required Thickness
Here the Min Required Thicknesses are defined with regards to Material, Pipe Size, Pressure and Temperature.
Rich Text Default
Here Rich Text Defaults can be predefined. These predefined default text templates can then be used in IMS.
Example 1: Use a predefined default text template, to specify the Corrosion Loop's Corrosion Description.
First, review the Default text. This Default text has been predefined in the Settings.
- Select the row with Object Type “Corrosion loop”.
- Click on the Edit button to review.
Then, use this template for the Corrosion Loop description:
- Open a Corrosion Loop Detail Page.
- Open the Corrosion Description..
- Select the default text from the dropdown.
- Click on the Insert default text button.
The predefined text (as seen in the Settings) will then be inserted.
Note: You can also define a default text directly from the Narrative window: Click Add new default.
Example 2: Use a predefined default text template, when a Schedule is edited, to specify the Reason:
First, define the Default text in Settings:
- Click + to Add Rich Text Default.
- Select Object Type “Inspection Event”.
- Select Default Type “Reason”.
- Fill in a name, e.g. “Inspection Edit Reason”.
- Write the default text.
- Click Save.
Then, use this template when a Schedule is edited:
- Edit a Schedule and click on Approve.
- The Reason for edit box appears.
- Select the predefined reason form the dropdown.
- Click on the Insert default text button.
The predefined text (as specified in the Settings) will be inserted.
Deleting Rich Text Default
To delete Rich Text Default:
- Select the row with the Text Default you want to delete.
- Click Minus at the top of the Grid.
- Click Delete to confirm deletion.
CMMS Types
Here the CMMS Types can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
SAP Blacklist configuration
Here the SAP Blacklist is configured.
An overview of trainings and users are available here. The following users can create Trainings and assign to users:
Training can be assigned to a User via Security Settings.
Unit Type
Here the Unit Types can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
Labour rates
Here the Labour rates (LR) can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. Note: The rates are per hour.
Pay attention to set the preferred currency, see below, before entering new LRs.
A default LR can be set, by ticking the checkbox.
In PEI the Labour rates are used in the Detailed Asset Consequence Assessment. In RCM the Labour rates are used to calculate the cost of care effort, for instance for Contractors, Craftsmen, Instrument Technicians, Operators and Staff. Labour rates are required to economically compare the No-maintenance scenario with the Do-maintenance scenario, involving condition monitoring effort as also repair and restore efforts. PEI and RCM does not make use of the Instrument Technician Rate. This rate is used in SIS and are often comparable to the Craftsmen rates.
Resp. Work Centre
Here the Responsible Work Centers can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.
HSSE CE Categories
Here the HSSE CE Categories can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. See Integrated RSLs.
Part Types
In PEI the Parts are used in ECH Checklists in order to indicate what was performed and found during the Inspection and also what needs to be repaired. Part Types can be added, modified or deleted from the Part Type Screen in the Setting.
To add a new Part Type click on the Plus button and fill in the data.
To edit existing Part Types click on the Edit button next to the name of the applicable Part Type.
To delete existing Part Types, select the applicable Part Types and click on the Minus button.