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Creating PLSS Campaigns Type Underwater Eq. Activities
Take note
This overview shows an example of how to create an IMS-PLSS Campaign of the type Underwater Eq. Activity.
The import files used in this part of the handbook are available in the IMS-PLSS Campaign Import Excelfiles.zip.
In this Example an Underwater Survey should be performed on the following Equipment:
For most of these pieces of Equipment, the Inspection Locations have been defined. For example, for the Equipment "MARSBTPLP-FLT-8110" the following five:
Note that the Type is a mandatory field, should this be changed to Optional, otherwise Other, or the “-“ should be added as option.
In this example, we will create the FLOCs and Equipment first. Normally, these are available in PLSS.
Steps to create the Workpack and import data after the inspection has been performed:
Import the FLOCs, only needed to run this example.
Import the equipment, only needed to run this example.
Import Inspection Locations.
Create the inspection Schedules.
Add the Scope, Plancode and Inspection Locations to the Schedules.
Final approved the Schedules.
Create the Campaign.
Select the Equipment for this Campaign.
Select the Schedules for this Campaign.
Review Anomalies.
Review the Scope
Final approve the Campaign.
Create the Workpack.
Execute the work.
Import the data.
Close the Campaign.
Note that step 1 to 9 is normally a once-off setup for the Campaign. Once a Campaign has been completed and a new one created the user will start at step 10. Steps 1 to 9, with the new schedule numbers, will automatically be copied to the new campaign.
Step 1: Import the FLOCs
The FLOCs can be created in your test environment by importing the file
Step 1 ImportFlocs.xlsx
The file has the following layout::
Note that in this import file the specified "Unit ID", in column A, is set to Example Campaign. So, this unit has to be added to the hierarchy, otherwise, you will get an error during the import.
In the Import wizard, Browse (1) to the import file, select the FLOC (2) and click Next (3):
After clicking Next you will be guided through the steps. All fields are filled in, only the Next button has to be clicked.
Step 2: Import the Equipment
The Equipment is in file Step 2 Import Equipments.xlsx.
To import the Equipment:
Browse to the above-mentioned file.
Select the option "Equipment".
Click Next.
When the Equipment is imported, the 13 pieces of Equipment will be shown in the Equipment Main screen. In the example only the Unit "Example Campaign" has been selected:
If there are more pieces of Equipment under this Unit, which is possible if you have run the example Creating PLSS Campaign Type Corrosion Assessment Pipelines, then it may be good to select the 13 pieces of Equipment and click the Pin button.
Step 3: Import the Inspection Locations
The Inspection Locations are defined in the Excel file Step 3 Import Inspection location.xlsx with the following layout:
To import Inspection Locations:
Browse to the above-mentioned file.
Select the import option "Inspection Location".
Click Next a few times.
On the Equipment the Inspection Location grid will look as follows:
Step 4: Import the Schedules
The Schedules are defined in the Excel file Step 4 Import Schedules.xlsx with the following layout:
To import the Schedules:
Browse to the file.
Select the Schedules.
Click Next a few times.
After the Schedules have been imported, they are shown in the Schedule menu grid (in the example below the 13 pieces of Equipment have been pinned):
Step 5: Import the Scope, Plancodes, Inspection Locations, Instructions
This is not an easy step and requires some knowledge of Excel functions, for example, the VLOOKUP function.
In this import:
The Schedule number from the previous step should be used.
The Scope and Plancodes should be linked to the Schedule number.
The Inspection Locations for the Equipment should be linked to the Plancode.
Instructions for Plancodes.
For example:
Note that :
Columns A and B, the Schedule number and Equipment can be extracted from PLSS by selecting all the rows in the menu Schedule and clicking the Export button.
Column B, the Equipment ID, is not required on the import but is added here to link the Schedule number, Plancodes and Inspection Locations.
Column C, the Scope is always "UNDERWATER EQ. ACTIVITIES".
Column D, the Plancodes, for each Plancode that should be added the cells in columns A, B and C should be copied to a new row.
Column E, the Inspection location for each Plancode. For each Inspection Location that should be added the cells in columns A, B, C and D should be copied.
Column F, the Instruction Text
After you've updated the file, import it:
Browse to the file.
Select the import option Scope and Plancodes.
Click Next a few times.
When the import of the, the Scope, Plancode, Inspection Locations and Instructions is done, the Schedule for Equipment "MARSBTLP-FAY-8100" will look as follows:
Step 6: Approve Schedules
To approve the Schedules in bulk:
Select the 13 Schedules
Click on the Approval button.
Click on the Approve button next.
After the Approval, the green vertical line is visible and the Next Insp date has been filled in.
Step 7: Create the Campaign
Click the Plus button in the Main menu.
Fill in the data in the dialog below with Campaign type "Underwater eq. activities":
Clicking Save.
The details will be shown:
Here the user can add a Description, for example:
Step 8: Add Equipment IDs to the Campaign
In this section, the Equipment that is part of the Campaign should be selected.
To select the Equipment:
Click the Plus button.
Only the Equipment with a Schedule with Scope "Underwater eq. activities" will be shown:
Select all the Equipment.
Click the OK button.
This will show an overview of the Equipment and the Schedules that are available for this Equipment.
Step 9: Add Schedules to the Campaign
To add Schedules:
Select the applicable Schedules.
Click Add to the Campaign button.
This will result in a selection in the column In Campaign and an overview in the Workpack Scope:
Step 10: Add previous Anomaly information to the Campaign
The Anomalies will be exported to the Workpack in a separate worksheet. The Anomaly number will be shown in the Workpack.
Step 11: Review the Campaign Scope
In this section, an overview of Equipment, Schedules, Inspection Locations and Plancodes that will be exported to the Campaign Workpack is shown.
Before the Workpack Scope can be exported, the Campaign has to be Final Approved.
Step 12: Final approve the Campaign
To approve the Campaign:
Click the green Approve button.
First, it will show this overview.
After clicking on Approve, the Campaign date will be shown on the Schedule as an Event Date and the Next Inspection date for the Schedule will be updated to the Campaign date (if this date was before the user date).
In the example below the Next inspection date is set to 8-Dec-2021, the Campaign date:
and the Campaign Status will be set to Final Approval
Step 13: Create the Workpack
To create a Workpack:
Click on the Export button.
an Excel file will be created.
With the following column titles:
Column title | Auto- populate | Can be changed | Description |
Campaign ID | Yes | No | The Campaign ID |
Campaign Description | Yes | No | The Campaign Description |
Equipment ID | Yes | No | The equipment ID |
Equipment Description | Yes | No | The equipment description |
SAP Equipment Nr. | Yes | No | The SAP equipment number (needed on import) |
Schedule nr | Yes | No | The schedule number |
Name | No | Yes | The ECH number, if you want to update data in the ECH this number should be specified. First time on import the cell should be empty. |
Condition Date | No | Yes | The date of inspection, be sure that for one equipment the date is all the same. The date is mandatory to create an ECH |
Responsible Inspector | Yes | Yes | The responsible person, this name is mandatory to create an ECH |
Description | Yes | No | The description on the ECH, this field is mandatory to create an ECH |
ECHNarrative | No | Yes | The narrative on the ECH. Note that only the narrative from the last row of the same equipment will be stored in the ECH Narrative section |
Plancode | Yes | No | The plan code from the Schedule |
Inspection Locations | Yes | No | The inspection location |
Instruction Text | Yes | No | Show the instruction(s) on the plan code |
Conditions found | Yes | No | Shows the listbox for all possible conditions found for the plancode |
Value | No | Yes | Write here the recorded value, notes:
Observation No | No | Yes | Leave empty |
Observation Text | No | Yes | A description, this will be added to the OBS in the ECH for that inspection location or action performed code |
Finding [Y/N] | No | Yes | Was the condition marked as a finding. If Y (Yes), then mark as finding in the ECH.
Date | No | Yes | The date of recording |
Time | No | Yes | The time of recording |
Inspector | No | Yes | The inspector who did the recording |
EH Checklist | Yes | No | Should always contain the string GENERAL |
Component | Yes | No | Should always contain the string GENERAL |
ECHType | Yes | No | Should always contain the string ECHType |
The option to add Attachments via this import will be implemented in a future release. Attachments can be imported in bulk via the attachment import.
In the Workpack scope columns can be hidden for the inspection engineer who is executing the work, for example, the last three columns. This will be implemented in a future release.
Step 14: Perform Inspection and fill in the Data in the Workpack
In the zip file, you will find an example file PIMS_Workpack_ExportUnderwaterEq-export-for-import-Metrics.xlsx with data filled in.
Step 15: Import the Workpack
Browse to the Excel file, in the example below PIMS_Workpack_ExportUnderwaterEq-export-for-import-Metrics.xlsx,
Select the option "Underwater Eq Activities" and click the Next button a few times to import the data:
At step 5 of the import, the ECHs have been created with data filled in.
See also Importing Campaing Workpack Excel Files.
Step 16: Review the created ECHs
Select the Condition History menu (note that below the Equipment has been pinned):
Step 17: Investigate the Findings
Review the Findings on the ECHs and determine if these should be added to PLSS as an Anomaly.
Step 18: Close the Campaign and create a new one
When all the Schedules have been credited in an ECH and all these ECHs have been Final approved, then the Campaign will automatically become Inactive and its status will be set to "Closed".
If it was a recurring campaign then a new campaign will be created.