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This Dashboard visualizes Leaks and Leak saves, by tracking the ECH recorded Leaks. Select a KPI Element, e.g. Nr of Leaks per year, Leaks, Leaks Save, or Number of Reliability and/or Process Safety Impact Leaks, to see the connected Elements.
Note: When you select a specific item in a parent Element, e.g. a bar in a Bar chart, a segment of a Doughnut chart, or a block in a Treemap, then the linked Elements will be filtered accordingly.
Additional Instructions
For more information on how to use Dashboards see Opening Dashboards, Favoriting Dashboards, and General Dashboard Options.
Incongruous Counts
It has been reported several times that the ECH counts shown on the ECH grid do not match the counts shown on the Leak Monitor dashboard.
It is important to understand that various sources of data will apply different criteria. The view that provides information to the Leak Monitor dashboard will filter on the LEAK Checklist and/or LEAK SAVE Checklist (that is Dynamic Forms) and will look for ECHs that have at least some answers provided in the respective Dynamic Forms.
ECH grid Checklist Name filter allows filtering on user-selected Dynamic Forms, however, the difference here is that this filter does not look for answers present in the Form. That is, if any of the LEAK Forms have been selected but left blank, this filter will match the ECH in question, unlike the Leak Monitor dashboard.

Therefore, in this case, it is expected that the Checklist Name filter returns an equal or larger number of ECHs than the Leak Monitor dashboard.
ECH grid Checklist Codes filter allows filtering on legacy LEAK ECH templates. It is not expected that these counts will at all match with the counts on the Leak Monitor dashboard.