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Step 9 Review Overall Criticality:
Below the Step 9 Methodology is described. See also Software Step 9.
IMS combines the StF, determined in Step 7 and the CoF, determined in Step 8, in a Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) to determine the Criticality. See Risk Based Inspection (RBI) - Theory. This is the base risk. The overall CoF is the highest Consequence category from Asset, People, Environment, and Community.
The overall Criticality class can be:
- Negligible (N)
- Low (L)
- Medium (M)
- Medium High (MH)
- High (H)
- Extreme (E)
Extreme criticality items should not be managed through a routine inspection and monitoring Schedule; that will not reduce the risk to ALARP. Specific risk management should be considered for this criticality class. This approach should also be considered for High Criticality cases where StF is above Low. Above Low StF indicates that repair/replacement will be required within the Component’s design life.
Criticality, together with Confidence (Step10) and RL (Step 6), is used to determine the Maximum Inspection Interval (MII) and Inspection Strategy (IS) (Step 11).