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RBI Specific Data Settings
  • 12 Dec 2024
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RBI Specific Data Settings

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Article summary

Maintenance subsections.

RBI specific data section of the Settings Menu includes three subitems: S-RBI Specific Data, RBI 581 Specific Data, and the Degradation Mechanisms. The Degradation Mechanisms is needed for both S-RBI and RBI 581. RBI 581 Specific Data is only visible when RBI 581 is enabled for your site.

S-RBI Specific Data

The S-RBI include tables for maintaining RBI related information, such as Barrier Types, Degradation Mechanisms, Inspection Techniques and Measurement Groups (for a measurement unit).

Barrier Types CMF

Here all available Barrier Types for the Corrosion Loop's Degradation Management section are defined. Any of these can be added to a Corrosion Loop (CL).

Barrier Types DM

Here the Common barrier types per Degradation Mechanism (DM) are defined. The Common barrier types will be shown on the applicable DM card in the CL’s Degradation Management section.

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated

Common Barrier types will show on the DM card in the CL’s Degradation Management section.

CCAM Product

Here the Products, used in the CCAM calculator, can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.

CCAM Toxic Material

Here the Toxic Material (and associated Nh value), used in the CCAM calculator, can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.

CCAM Unit Type

Here the Unit Types, used in the CCAM calculator, can be viewed / edited / added / deleted.

Demand Scenarios-PRV

Here the Demand Scenarios for the PRVs can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. This is required for the RBI analysis.

Inspection Location

Here the Inspection Locations are listed.

Inspection Techniques

Here the Inspection Techniques are listed.

Measurement Group - IOW

Here the Measurement Groups and the associated Measurement Units can be viewed / edited / added / deleted. A Variable (see below) for the Corrosion Loop’s Integrity Operating Window (IOW) is then defined by selecting a specific Measurement Group and Measurement Unit.

Creating IOW Measurement Groups

To create an Measurement Group - IOW:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. In the Settings menu, choose Maintenance \ RBI Specific data \ Measurement Group - IOW.

  3. Click the plus button to add a new Measurement Group.

  4. Assign a name to the new measurement group and click Save.

Creating a Measurement Group.

Creating IOW Measurement Units 

To create a Measurement Unit (for a Measurement Group):

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. In the Settings menu, choose Maintenance \ RBI Specific data \ Measurement Group - IOW.

  3. Select the Measurement Group under which the new unit will be created.

  4. Click the plus button in the Measurement Unit section to add a new Measurement Unit.

  5. Name the new Measurement Unit and click Save.

Creating a Measurement Unit. 

Variable - IOW

This table provides an overview of the Integrity Operating Window (IOW) Variables, with associated Measurement Groups and the Measurement Units. Variables can be viewed/edited/added/deleted.

These Variables can be selected in the Corrosion Loop, under Integrity Operating Windows.

Corrosion Loop IOW.

Creating IOW Variables

To create a new IOW Variable:

  1. Go to Settings.

  2. In the Settings menu, choose Maintenance \ RBI Specific data \ Variable - IOW

  3. Click the plus button to add a new variable.

  4. Add a name for the Variable.

  5. Choose the Measurement group from the drop-down list.

  6. Choose the Measurement Unit from the drop-down list (optional).

  7. Click Save.

Adding a new IOW Variable. 

Suggested IOW Variable

Here the suggested IOWs per Barrier Type are defined. When a Barrier Type has been added in the Degradation Management section of the CL, the applicable IOW variables will then be suggested in the IOW section of the CL.

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generated

Suggested IOWs show in the IOW section of the CL.

Pi Server - Site

Here the Pi Server per site is defined. This is required to gather the IOW data, for the exceedance calculations.


Here the Products and their parameters can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. These Products can be selected in the RBI Specs. Once the "SRBI-Product" is chosen, the remainder of the available data fields will be automatically populated.

Select the Product on the Operating Conditions section.

This is also used to display the relevant product operating conditions in the RBI Analysis Operating Conditions tab. See Step 4- Determine the most credible failure scenario.

RBI 581 Specific Data

RBI 581 Specific Data is only visible when RBI 581 is enabled for your site. Here data related to the API 581 Calculations are captured:

  • Representative Fluid - You need to select a Representative Fluid Material on the CoF tab. Based on this selection, the corresponding Representative Fluid is retrieved from here, and the associated data is used in the CoF calculation.

  • Release Hole Size And Areas

  • Toxic Release Consequence

  • Equipment GFF Costs Outage - The Mapped column displays the Equipment Group, Component Type, and Diameter to which each row is mapped. This mapping can be updated in the table on the right.

  • Inspection Effectiveness

  • Criticality and Probability Default Values - These values are editable.

Degradation Mechanisms

Here the Degradation Mechanisms (DM) can be viewed/edited/added/deleted. Per DM the table shows things like:

  • The Type of DM ("Age-Related", "Non-Age-Related", or "Strategy Based").

  • The Inspection Effectiveness Type (this determines the type of Inspection Effectiveness used in RBI 581).

  • The RBI581 Degradation Factor, which displays the name of the RBI 581 calculation mapped to each Degradation Mechanism. If a Degradation Mechanism is mapped (i.e., has a value in the RBI581 Degradation Factor column), this indicates that an RBI 581 calculation exists for it in IMS.

  • Whether the DM Is Internal or not.

  • Mapped Tank DMs are also shown (these apply in Tank RBI assessments).

  • Etc.

On each DM, attachments can be added. The list can also be filtered and Exported.

Any of these DMs can be added to a Corrosion Loop, in the Degradation Management section. When done, these DMs can then be assigned to any of the Components that are linked to that CL. Subsequently an RBI analysis can then take place per Component-DM combination. To learn more about DMs see Degradation Mechanisms - Classification and Definition and Step 2 Identify Threats and Barriers (Define the CL).

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