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RCM Systems - Creating / Importing
  • 16 Sep 2024
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RCM Systems - Creating / Importing

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Article summary

Permission: RCM Custodian

To create a RCM System it is recommended to segregate the unit involved into logical parts and define each part to be a System with its Function and its Functional Failures. To have useful conversations on unit reliability later, it is recommended to find input from Operations on the Dominant Failure Modes of the unit and define Systems with Functions and Functional Failures in line these Dominant Failure Modes.

Manually creating a new System

To create a System:

  • Go to the Systems Main Screen grid.

  • Click the button next to System List.

  • Search for the Parent ID – which is typically a Unit.

  • Enter the System’s Name and Number. Note: The system number naming convention depends on the Application Setting "AutoGenerate System Number". If turned on, the RCM system number is generated by IMS. If the setting is turned off, the System number will become a mandatory user input field.

  • Click Save.

After creation of a System the Details Page opens, with the info sections: Details, Description, Remark, Selected Flocs/Equipment and Prioritization, Functions and Functional Failures, Study and Attachments.

In Description the System description can be entered, to illustrate the basic composition of the System and provide a common understanding of the System design. Key design aspects with significant effects on the reliability of the System should be registered and referenced here. As the unit is not changed/modified, the System Description is not expected to change either.

Under Remark some latest insights and issues regarding the unit can be registered. Sometimes various initiatives are in progress that may lead to a sequence of changes and modifications which might need some remarks on the influence of the RCM study going on.

Importing Multiple Systems

In support of Systems, a System import functionality is available to create new Systems including their Functions and Functional Failures using an excel import template.

For for more information on the Import Wizard see Importing Data via Settings. See also the instruction video: Systems Episode 2 Video.


The following data can be entered with the Systems import functionality:

  • System

  • Functional System Number. Note: The system number naming convention depends on the Application Setting "AutoGenerate System Number". If turned on, the RCM system number is generated by IMS. If the setting is turned off, the System number will become a mandatory user input field.

  • Unit

  • Description

  • Remark

  • Function

  • Function Description

  • Functional Failure

  • PLE

  • Functional Failure Description

For illustration we have created the 3 Systems mentioned in the HDS ToR in Unit 100 of the HDS plant in IMS-RCM. To see the steps click the dropdown button.


To import Functional Failures in a System, the import-sheet should have a PLE specified. Note that the PLE is typically defined under the Unit in the Top Section under Settings.

At import the columns involved are validated.F:\M060.15 f.jpg

F:\M060.17 f.jpg

Export for Import

It is also possible to first do an Export for Import and then updated that excel sheet for import.

The exported file includes the main System data along with all fields related to functions and functional failures.

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