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Record ECH in the Field (Step III)
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Record ECH in the Field (Step III)

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Article summary

After you have selected (Step I) and downloaded (Step II) your offline scope you can start recording your ECH.

Take Note
You do not require an internet connection for this step.  

You can now record your ECH as normal. (For example, for IMS PEI credit Schedules, take photos, review drawings, make annotations, record observations, create CAIRS. Only, you cannot Approve an ECH or Approve a Schedule, while offline,  For IMS FCM see FCM in Offline Mode.)

When you are done recording your ECH, you need to sync the data with the central IMS data base (Step IV).

When offline, only the data downloaded to the local IMS database will be available. This can be accessed via the local menus.

Only the local menus are available when offline.

When online, you can, however, navigate to IMS and so access the central IMS database. To do this, click one of the not-local menus or central IMS database icon in the toolbar.

When online, you can click the central IMS database icon, or one of the not-local icons, to navigate to IMS.

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