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PLSS Schedules Main Screen
  • 06 Nov 2024
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PLSS Schedules Main Screen

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Article summary

Take Note
This overview will explain how to use and interpret the IMS-PLSS Schedules Main Screen.

The Schedules Main Screen shows an overview grid, with a list of Schedules.

To see the list of registered Schedules, click on Schedules in the IMS Main Menu. The following information will be displayed on the Main Screen:

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generatedClick on the Schedules in the Main Menu to list all Schedules.

Other column titles can be selected by clicking on the Settings button in the Menu Toolbar:

Most of the column titles are self-explanatory. Some important ones are listed below.



User can tick the checkbox of interest, for example for reporting.

Vertical line

A green vertical line means the schedule is active, a grey line means inactive.


The name of the Schedule. The name can start with:
INSP for inspection schedule
CAIR for a CAIR, Corrective Action Inspection Request
ASM for Assessment Schedule

PRE for a Preventative Schedule


A Description specified by the user

Equipment ID

The Equipment ID

Equipment ClassSpecific type of Equipment in the Equipment group, e.g. Well Jumper - Flexible, Well Jumper Rigid, Flowline Jumper - Rigid, Flowline Jumper - Flexible.

Schedule Type

The Schedule Type: Inspection, Assessment, CAIR or Preventative


The Scope of the Schedule

Plan codes

The Plan code(s) of the Schedule


Custom Labels.

Label definitions can be added under the general Settings. Click on the Settings in the right upper corner of the screen and search for Label to find the menu.

Schedule Category

The Category of the Schedule specified by User; 

  • Category 1: Integrity
  • Category 2: Reliability
  • Category 3: Long term or Reliability

Category 1 is the default. This has been set in Settings \ Maintenance \ Inspection / Schedules \ Schedule Category.

For more information on the Categories see Creating PLSS Schedules

Campaign name

The Campaign name if Schedule is part of a Campaign

Campaign type

The Campaign type

Campaign status

The Campaign status

Last Insp Date

The last Inspection Date

Next Insp Date

The next Inspection Date

Exact Time Interval

Interval for Recurring Schedules

Pending status

Status can be None, Re Calculation, Extension, Insp Completed or Schd Edit / New Insp, under filter these options are available:


Schedule approval Status.


If ticked, it will be a Recurring Schedule.





Shows the next Inspection Dates in graphical mode.

Nr of Attachments

Number of Attachments added to this Schedule.

Time Interval

Schedule Time Interval for Recurring Schedules.


Custom Labels

Waiting on Paperwork (WOP)

Whether a Schedule is marked for WOP or not.

WOP Status

Categorization of how long the Schedule is pending for WOP

For more information see IMS Main Screen (Grid List).

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