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User Profiles
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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User Profiles

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Article summary

This section allows Admin Users to configure other User Profiles. The User Profile consists of Main Menu configurations, Toolbar configuration, Grid Column configuration, and Dashboard Favorites. The Profiles are configured and set per Module per User. User Profiles are first configured in Settings and then Users are added to them.

Take note
When a User Profile is created, it will inherit the configuration from the Admin User Account that created it. All the Users added to that User Profile will inherit the same configuration.

Creating User Profiles

To create a User Profile:

  • Select the Module in which you want to create a User Profile.

Select the Module in which you want to create a User Profile.

To create a new User Profile go to Settings \ Maintenance \ Security \ User Profiles. 

  • In the User Profiles section, click the Plus button.
Click on the Plus button to create a new User Profile.
  • Fill in the Name of the User Profile.
  • Click Save.

The new User Profile has inherited the current configuration of your Account. 

All the Users added to this User Profile will inherit the same configuration.

Adding Users to User Profiles

Once a User Profile is created you can add Users to it. Users who are added to a User Profile will inherit the configuration of that User Profile. 

To add users to a User Profile:

  • In the User Profiles section, select the applicable User Profile by clicking on it.
  • Go to the Users section.
  • Click the Plus button. 
  • In the pop-up window, select Users from the list.
  • Click OK.
To add users to User Profiles, select users from the list and click OK.

Adding Users in Bulk

Users can be added by User Name or Email in bulk.

Take note
Only registered users can be added to the User Profile.

To add users in bulk:

  • Click the Plus button.
  • In the pop-up window, click on the Filter button.
  • Click on User Name and / or E-mail to see more options.
To add users by User Name or Email click on the Filter button and then on User Name or Email.
  • Enter the list of User Names / E-mails of the IMS Users in the relevant field.
  • Click the Green Arrow.

In the example below users are being added by Email:

To add users by Email, the emails they are registered in IMs with and click the Green Arrow.

Note: A list of users can also be imported from an Excel file by clicking on the Excel button under the User Name or E-mail box.

Updating User Profiles

To make changes to the configuration of an existing User Profile:

  • Go to the User Profiles section.
  • Click on the applicable User Profile.
  • Click on Apply profile to myself.
When you click Apply profile to myself, the configuration of the selected profile will override the current settings of the IMS Account you are logged in with.
To make changes to the User profile, click on Apply profile to myself.
  • Make the changes to the configuration of your Account.
  • Return to the User Profiles in Settings \ Maintenance \ Security \ User Profiles. 
  • Click on the applicable User Profile.
  • Click on Update state of profile to apply the newly made changes to the User Profile.
     Click on Update state of profile to apply the newly made changes.

  •  Click on Apply to all users in profile to apply the changes to all the Users under that User Profile.

Applying User Profiles to Users directly

To apply the configuration from a User Profile to the User directly:

Select the User Profile you want to add from the drop-down list.
Take note
If more than one User Profile for the same Module is added to the User, only the last added one will apply.

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Changing your password will log you out immediately. Use the new password to log back in.
First name must have atleast 2 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Last name must have atleast 1 characters. Numbers and special characters are not allowed.
Enter a valid email
Enter a valid password
Your profile has been successfully updated.

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