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The Performance for the SIF Analysis is verified per Subsystem.
The Performance check considers two criteria:
Sensor Accuracy (on the Sensor)
Tight Shut-Off (TSO) for valves (on the Final Element)
Sensor Accuracy
The Sensor Accuracy of each Sensor Subsystem is the highest of the accuracies of the individual Equipment. If it is smaller than the Target accuracy specified for the Subsystem, the Sensor Subsystem Performance is set “OK”. Accuracy is specified on the Equipment level.
The Target accuracy for the Subsystem can be set via the Subsystem details on the Design Tab:
Click the Sensor Subsystem Edit button.
Add the Target accuracy.
Click Save.
The Final Element Subsystem is TSO if all Equipment of the valve family in the Subsystem are TSO. Note that the Subsystem may contain other Equipment (e.g., solenoid valves) that are not valves. These Equipment do not influence TSO of the Subsystem and will therefore be ignored in the TSO assessment. If the Subsystem is TSO required and all valves in the Subsystem are TSO, the Performance is set “OK”. You can indicate per Subsystem (when applicable) if TSO is required.