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FCM Equipment Details Page (Level 4)
FCM Equipment Details
Equipment (Level 4) that is available in IMS PEI is visible and can be used to establish relationships with Flange-FLOCS (Level 5), and Flange and Grayloc Equipment in FCM.
The FCM Equipment Details (Level 4) Page differs from the Flange and Grayloc Equipment Details (Level 5) Pages. To learn more about the relationship between PEI and FCM, see: Creating Flanges - Overview.
The Equipment details screen contains 8 sections:
Details – general information about the Equipment.
Flanges – Flanges connected to the Equipment (via the parent FLOC). Here Jobs can be created, and Flanges can be Assigned to a Job.
Jobs – list of Jobs (to be) performed on the Flanges of this Equipment. Here Jobs can be created.
Condition History - list of ECHs as a result of past Jobs; A new ECH can also be created from here.
Specs – specifications data for the Equipment.
Description – description of the Equipment.
Drawings and Documents.