Asset Risk (IMS SIS)
Active Directory Federation Services
Above Ground Marker
Artificial Intelligence
Autonomous Integrity Recognition
Additional Info Required
Actual Measurement Point
American Petroleum Institute
Application Program Interface
Approval: OK
Approval: Refused
Approval: Required
All Tasks Completed
Automated Ultrasonic
Bult Water Corrosion
Community Risk (IMS SIS)
Corrosion Allowance
Criticality Assessment
Corrosion And Risk Modelling Analytics
Confidence Bound (limits of the CI)
Control Barrier (a Preventive Safeguard in IMS SIS)
Condition Based tasks (RCM)
Compression Factor (for tanks)
Confidence Factor (M-IDAP)
Confidence Interval (EVA)
Corrosion Inhibitor
Close Interval Potential Survey
Corrosion Loop
Confidence Level
Causal Learning
Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking
Corrective Maintenance
Conditional Modifiers (in IMS SIS)
Condition Monitoring tasks
Corrosion Management Framework - CMF is the methodology and documentation that identifies 1) the DMs that are likely to affect the process Equipment in each section of a unit or facility and 2) the controls and limits necessary to maintain integrity.
Course Mass Factor (for tanks)
Condition Monitoring Location or
Condition Measurement Location
(sometimes also referred to as TML (Thickness Measurement Location))
Cathodic Protection Effectivness
RBI Criticality rating
Corrosion Rate
RCM Criticality
Corrosion Resistant Alloy
RBI Criticality
RBI Criticality rating
Corrosion Tolerance
Confidences Target (M-IDAP)
Direct Current Voltage Gradient
Damage Factor (API581) also referred to as "Df(t)"
Dynamic Form
Dangerous Fault Tolerance
Dry film thickness of coating or lining (Tanks)
Design Life
Deletion Flag
Diameter Nominal
Design Status (SIF Analysis)
Demand Scenario
Economical Consequence
Eddy Currant
External Corrosion
Equipment Condition History
Equipment Care Strategies
Environmental Consequence (RBI Analysis)
Equip Perf Assur. Failure
Exploration and Production Task List (from BLP CMMS)
Estimated Repair Factor
FAIR+ER = Focused Asset Integrity Review and Equipment Review
FAIR+MS = Focused Asset Integrity Review Management System
Final Due Date
Functional Location
Failure Mode
Fabric Maintenance
Fabric Maintenance Area (or just Fabric Maintenance)
Failure Mode Effect and Criticality Analysis
Management Systems Factor (API581)
Field Of View
Flash Point
Focal Point
Girth Weld
H2S = Hydrogen Sulfide
Hydrogen Induced Cracking
Hydrogen Induced Cracking / Stress-Oriented Hydrogen-Induced Cracking
Health, Safety and Environment
Health and Safety Executive
Health Safety and Environment Management System
Internal Corrosion
(Test) Interval Constraint
Inner Diameter / Outer Diameter
Inspection Design Analysis and Plotting (see also S-IDAP)
In-line Inspection
Injection Point
Intelligent Pigging = ILI
IR drop refers to a voltage drop that appears at the resistive component of any impedance. IR drop is the electrical potential difference between the two ends of a conducting phase during a current flow. This voltage drop across any resistance is the product of current (I) passing through resistance and resistance value (R).
Intelligent Text Recognition System
Load Case (for tanks)
Linear Combination (M-IDAP)
Long term Corrosion Rate
Linear Regression
Labour Rate
Manage Asset Care
Manual Measurement
Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure
Minimal Acceptable Thickness
Magnetic Flux Inspection
Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
Measurement Point
Mixing Point
Measurement Set
Magnetic Particle Testing
Measured Thickness (for tanks)
Measurement Type (for CMLs)
Mean Time Between Maintenance
Meant Time To Repair
Machine Vision
Native Potential is a close interval survey method used to establish a baseline for determining the level of Cathodic Protection for a structure. A Native Potential survey measures the electrical potential of the structure before Cathodic Protection is applied.
Non-Conformity Rating
Non-Conformance Report
Notification completed
Notification postponed
Notification in process
Notification printed
Non Piggable Pipelie
Nominal Wall Thickness
Opportunity Based (task frequency in IMS RCM)
Original Final Due Date
Open Loop
Over-Line to Remote Earth
Open Loop or Short Circuit detection
Order assigned
Outstanding notification
Operating Temperature (for tanks)
Object Type (e.g., CMMS OT)
Odometer Tracking Accuracy
Pipe to Remote Earth
Piping and Instrumentation Diagram
Planned Event
Professional Engineer
Protection Effectiveness
Pipeline Integrity Management Software (Pipeline Subsea Systems)
Probability of Failure
Pipeline Operators Forum
Process Safety Time
Process Stroke Test (a manual or automatically generated valve partial stroke test)
Present Value
Partially Valid (for Existing safeguards)
Quality Measuring Instruments (Analyzers)
Responsibilities, Accountabilities, Consult, & Inform
Remaining Corrosion Allowance
Root Cause Analyses
Remaining Corrosion Tolerance
Roof Framing (for tanks)
Remote Field Eddy Current
Recommended Practice
Roof Plate (for tanks)
Remaining Strength Factor
Reliability Strategy Library (also referred to as "Maintenance Library")
Radiographic Testing
Remaining Thickness
Radiography Inspection
Run-to-Failure task (in IMS RCM)
RTF = Rich Text Field
Renewal Wall Thickness
Shell-Inspection Design Analysis and Plotting
Short Circuit
Success Criteria
Selected Corrosion Rate in RBI
Suggested Corrosion Rate (for Circuit)
Specified Minimum Utile Strength
Specified Minimum Yield Strength
Shell Risk Based Inspection (also referred to as S-RBI)
Safety Requirements Specification
Stainless Steel
Subsystem (SIF Analysis)
Spurious Trip Rate
Thickness (for tanks)
t = Thickness
Top Angle (for tanks)
To be closed
The test coverage factor reflects the effectiveness of testing and maintenance activities in detecting and preventing failures within the SIF. It quantifies the probability that a diagnostic test will detect a dangerous failure before it affects the SIF’s performance. Test coverage is typically expressed as a percentage, ranging from 0% (no test coverage) to 100% (perfect test coverage).
Technical History Rejected
Temp Out Of Service Equipment status that is used for putting Equipment ouf of service for extended periods of time.
User Defined Query
UT-R = UT w/RT Validation
Web-based Integrity Management System (these days we just refer to it as IMS)
Web-based Integrity Management System (these days we just refer to it as IMS)