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IMS 3D Upload Requirements
  • 09 Aug 2024
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IMS 3D Upload Requirements

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Article summary

3D models can be uploaded via Settings.

This document describes what information needs to be supplied to enable a 3D Model upload:

  • Alignment data
  • 3D Model in correct format
  • 2D Site map in correct format
  • Tagged Flocs

Alignment Data

For the onshore sites, the following data is required for model alignment:

What is needed

Reference point

A point in the 3D model (x, y, z), together with GPS coordinates (longitude, latitude, altitude). The reference point should be as close as possible to the center of the site.


An angle between the y-axis in the 3D model and the real North.

3D Model in required format

Only NavisWorks (nwd) format is supported and can be uploaded in IMS 3D.

2D Site Map in required format

The 2D site map can be either in “dwg" or “nwd” format.

Graphical user interface  Description automatically generatedThe 2D site map needs to be in “dwg” or “nwd” format. 

Tagged FLOCs

There are two ways for tagging FLOCs:

  • Special properties, or
  • Node names.

Tagged with Special properties

The model Node should have a special property that corresponds to the FLOC name. In the following example the “Asset link” corresponds to the FLOC name.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with low confidenceA NavisWorks 3D model with a special property corresponding to the FLOC name. 
A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThe Node in IMS showing the FLOC name. 

Tagged with Node names (less accurate)

This method of tagging is less accurate.

When tagging with Node names, the following is required:

  • The Node should contain sub-Nodes that define the FLOC, and
  • The Node’s name should contain the IMS FLOC name (e.g., "N011-CD6-R301").

In the following example the “NavisWorks” Node name corresponds to the FLOC name.

Diagram  Description automatically generatedA NavisWorks 3D Model Node name that contains the FLOC name. 

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generated with medium confidenceThe Node in IMS showing the FLOC name. 

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