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To understand how IMS functions and how it can interface with other systems, it is helpful to understand how objects in IMS relate to one another. The image below illustrates the relationship between different types of objects in IMS PEI. Other IMS modules follow a similar structure.
Top-Level Hierarchy
The first three boxes are referred to as the Top-Level Hierarchy, and are aligned with the structure of your CMMS:
Site: Generally correspond to an entire facility at one location. Sites can contain one or more Plants.
Plant: Plants are a smaller section of a Site and generally correspond to a part of the Site that fulfills a specific function. Plants can contain one or more Units.
Unit: Units are smaller subsets within a Plant. Objects (FLOCs and Equipment) are assigned to Units in IMS.
Site, Plant and Unit names can be customized in IMS, and do not need to correspond to the names assigned in your CMMS.
Object Mapping
The next two boxes in the IMS asset hierarchy are FLOCs and Equipment, and are likewise aligned with the structure of your CMMS:
FLOC: Functional Locations are assigned to Units and can contain one or more pieces of Equipment.
Equipment: Most often corresponds to a physical piece of equipment.
Component Mapping
The next four boxes comprise Schedules, Circuits, Componentns and ECHs and are associated with Equipment in IMS.
Schedules: Plan that outlines which tasks need to be accomplished and when (Inspections, CAIR, etc.).
Circuits: Correspond to groups of equipment where the same corrosion rate is expected or measured.
Components: Components are parts of a piece of equipment, such as the top of a column or the shell of a heat exchanger.
ECHs: Equipment Condition Histories are used to collect information about equipment collected during an inspection.
Of the four components listed above, only Schedules are typically aligned with your CMMS.
Circuits, Components and ECHs are used only within IMS and are not aligned with your CMMS.