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Jobs Main Screen (Grid List)
Jobs in FCM are used to group Flange and Clamp (Grayloc) equipment Schedules for inspection and maintenance activities.
To see the list of Jobs:
Go to the IMS FCM Main Menu.
Click Jobs to go to the Jobs Main Screen.

Jobs Main Screen (Grid List).
Use the scoping bar, the filter, or the search functionality to list the desired Jobs.
Each record shows several fields, summarizing the Jobs (see the table below). To see more, click on the Settings icon in the toolbar and add additional fields.
Default Job data in the Job record:
Section | Field / Column | Description |
Jobs | Active | The Active flag shows for each Job whether it is active or inactive:
Job ID | Name of the Job, click on the Job ID to open the Job details. | |
Job Type | Inspection / Preventive / Corrective | |
Description | Short Description for the selected Job | |
Discipline | Checked when yes | |
Responsible Person | Responsible Person | |
Recurring | Checked when yes | |
Due Date | Job Due Date. Red when long overdue | |
Status | Indicates the status of the current Job | |
Location | Identifies the Site/Plant/Unit to which the Job applies | |
Approval Status | Displays the Approval Level for the Job | |
Labels | Custom labels added by users to help sorting Jobs | |
TA Candidate | Job Due Date. Red when long overdue. | |
TA Job Number | Event Date |
Filtering Jobs
From the Jobs overview page, several filters can be used to drill down the search results for the shown list of Jobs. Filters include items such as:
Due Date.
Job Type.
Location Type.
For more information on using the filter see IMS Main Screen (Grid List).