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MEI-POC waterfall diagram
  • 09 Aug 2024
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MEI-POC waterfall diagram

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This article explains how the MEI-POC waterfall diagram on the MEC board is created.

This MEI-POC diagram shows the cumulative Annual POC against the MEI values.


In cooperation with TAO Chennai these steps are provided to create the MEI-POC waterfall diagram from Excel data.
The graph shows the accumulated Annual POC for the various MEI values. It is set up in log-log scale.

  1. Get the FM’s with MEI and Annual POC
    1. For instance export the IMS-RCM analyses grid, this gives an excel file with one line = one task
    2. Per line (task) determine the annual POC (= POC x Ann factor)
    3. Pivot the Sum of 'Ann POC' against the MEI, see below: (Data Column 1+2)
  2. Accumulate the Annual POC from the biggest MEI, to the smallest MEI: (Data Column 3+4)
  3. Take the -LOG (MEI) and the +LOG (Acc POC). For MEI=0 make MEI =0.01 to get the LOG: (data column 5 an 6)
  4. Make scatter diagram in XXL.

data file.png

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