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PL Remedial Actions
  • 30 Jan 2025
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PL Remedial Actions

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The Remedial Actions Module in IMS PLSS helps you address and manage Pipeline Defects effectively allowing you to see all the Defects of your Pipeline in one place and plan your repairs accordingly.

To access the Remedial Actions Module in IMS PLSS, click on the Remedial Actions button in the header on the Equipment Details Page.

Defects Plot

The first section of the Remedial Actions Module incorporates the Defects Plot where the location of Pipeline repairs and Defects along the pipeline are shown. Additionally the graph also displays the predicted Corrosion Rates for both External and Internal Defects, Test Post measurements, and pipeline Elevation along the Pipeline.

External Corrosion Defects are depicted as squares and Internal Corrosion defects are depicted as circles. The Traffic Light color of the defect is related to the Remnant Life.

On the left side of the graph, there’s the Pipeline Repair graph settings screen which allows you to select what you want to see in the Graph.

To select the number of Defects you want to see:

  • Enter the Number of Defects in the Num. of defects text field.

You can also rank the Defects depending on the selected criteria:

  • Remnant Life,

  • CT,

  • ERF or

  • Depth.

Note: It is better to select just one option to rank on. It is possible to select both "Remnant Life" and "Depth" but it is not used in pratice.

If under the Wall side, you select "Both", the System will display the most severe Defects from both External and Internal side of the wall. While if you select “Mixed” the graph will show the worst Defects independently if it is Internal of External.

The second section consists of three tabs, Defects Summary, Planned Repairs and Defects Covered:

Defects Summary

The second section consists of three tabs, Defects Summary, Planned Repairs, and Defects Covered. This first tab, Defects Summary, contains an overview of all the Defects and their data. The grid is sorted by Remaining Life.

Adding Defects to Planned repairs

There are four ways to add Defects to the list for repairs:

Clicking the Red Cross

  • Click on the Red Cross in the column Added to planned repairs.

The coverage length is 1m by default, this means that all Defects within 0.5 m will be repaired.

After selecting a Defect, a vertical red/black line will be shown in the graph at the Defect’s location.

A RepairID will be added to the Planned Repairs tab.

Selecting the Defects

To select the defects:

  • Click the check box on the left of the Defect ID of the Defects you want to add.

  • Click the Wrench button.

    In the example below four Defects, and all Defects within 0.5 m, will be added at once.

After clicking the Wrench button, the Repairs will be added to the Planned Repairs tab, and the corresponding red/black lines will be shown in the graph.

Adding the Defects by Next Inspection Date

  • Click the third button in the grid’s toolbar.

  • In the pop-up window, in the IDD field enter the desired date.

  • Optionally, mark the "All in one repair" checkbox if you want all the Defects to be added under one RepairID.

  • Click OK and the system will automatically select all the Defects with a NID before the entered date and add them to Planned Repairs.

Adding Defects by Remnant Life

  • Click the last button in the grid’s Toolbar.

  • In the pop-up window, fill in the Remnant Life field with the desired date.

  • Optionally, mark the "All in one repair" checkbox if you want all the Defects added under one RepairID.

  • Click OK and the system will automatically select all the Defects with a Remnant Life before the entered date and add them to Planned Repairs.

Planned Repairs

This grid shows the information required to repair the Defects. The grid below contains the defect data that has been selected in the previous tab.

The columns in the grid are:

Column title



The repair identification number is automatically assigned.

Joint distance

The joint distance (numerical, optional).

Downstream distance

The downstream distance (numerical, optional).

Upstream distance

The upstream distance (numerical, optional).

Mid-point location

The absolute distance (numerical, within pipeline length, required)


The coverage length together with the absolute distance specifies the covered range. The absolute distance is in the middle.


Indicates whether the repair will be effective for Internal defects only, for External Defects only or for both Internal and External Defects. Applicable Defects residing within the repair range are considered Planned Repairs. For these Defects, the text "Planned” is shown in the column "Planned/Repaired" in the FSS Volumetric - Burst limit state section of the FFS module.


List box with options "Composite repair", "Welded sleeve", "Grout sleeve", and "Clamp".

Note: Each Repair is seen as As good as new and will be removed from the FFS list of Defects and the RBA calculation. This functionality will be included in a future release.

IP run date

The IP run date.

Advised init date

By default the date when the Repair has been generated.

Repair due date

The date when the Defect repair is due.

Repair date

Once the Repair date is entered and the record is saved, the repair is considered completed. The applicable defects change from "Planned" to "Repaired" in the FFS module and these defects no longer participate in Assessments.



The note icon indicates whether there are comments already, or not: . Additional notes can be provided per repair by clicking the note icon for the repair in the list.

Note: Once a Defect is Repaired, it is removed Defects Summary.

In the FFS module the planned and repaired defects are also shown in the tab Planned/Repaired column of the FFS Volumetric - Burst limit state section.

Editing a Repair

To edit a Repair:

  • Click on the Edit button on the left of the RepairID.

  • Make the changes.

  • Click Save.

Completing a Repair

To complete a Repair follow the steps below:

  • Click on the Edit button on the left of the RepairID.

  • In the Repair date field, input the date when the Repair was carried out.

  • Click Save.

In the FFS module, the Defects that have been repaired are shown in the with the Repair Date and the status "Repaired".

Defects Covered

The grid shows the Defects that are covered by the Planned Repairs. B

For the Defects listed in the Defects Covered tab, the key parameters are shown (Defect ID, Up weld distance, Wall Thickness, Upstream weld distance, Downstream weld distance, Absolute Distance, Orientation, Defect length, Defect width, Defect depth, and Wall side, together with the Repair ID of the Planned repair that applies to the particular defect).

Effect of Repair

In the bottom part of the screen, Effect of Repair(s) will be shown. This could include changes to the Worst Remnant Life and Worst Corrosion Tolerance, reflecting the improvements made.

Calculating the Effect of Repair

To calculate the effects of the Planned Repairs:

  • Add Defects to the Planned Repairs as explained above.

  • Click the Calculate button.

The Original column will display the Worst Remnant Life and the Worst Corrosion Tolerance among all Defects listed in the Defects Summary tab. The After Repair(s) column will display the updated Worst Remaining Life and the Worst Corrosion Tolerance following the completion of the Planned Repairs.

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