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PLSS Schedule Details Page
  • 09 Aug 2024
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PLSS Schedule Details Page

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This overview explains how to use and interpret the PLSS Schedules Details Page. The information on When to perform an action, What to do, and How to do it can be found or added here.

It has the following seven sections:

  1. Header
  2. Details and Inspection Function (the “When”)
  3. Scope and Plan Codes (the “What”)
  4. Drawings and Documents
  5. Narrative (more details on the “How”)
  6. Tasks
  7. Attachments

Schedule Details Page.

The Header of the Schedules Details Page shows the name of the Schedule / Schedule ID and several navigation options.

Schedules Details Page Header.

For more information about the functionalities of the header see IMS Details Page

Schedule Details

Schedule Details.

  1. At the top of the Details Page you can Edit or Delete a Schedule. Only Schedules in Draft mode can be deleted. Note: the Schedule is not active after creation. It will become active after the Schedule has been approved. The Tracking ID has the same number as the Schedule, starting with 11.
  2. The Inspection Function sidebar shows the Schedule status, e.g. "Draft" and the Schedule Event e.g. "Sched Edit / New Insp" and also the pending (i.e. not Approved) NID. For more information on this see Inspection Function.
  3. The SAP Release Date, Intrusive, Offline, and Recurring are shown here. Note: The amount of time between the SAP Release Date and the Date of the Inspection / Repairs is set up by the sites in agreement with maintenance and planners.
  4. Dates to set the NID for this Schedule.
  5. The Approve button and Status of the Schedule.

Inspection Function

After you have created a Schedule, with a NID e.g. 24 Dec 2021, then the Inspection Function is set to "Schd Edit / New Insp":

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generatedInspection Function set to Schd Edit / New Insp.

which is also shown in the Approval sidebar on the Schedule Main Screen, column Pending status:

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedApproval sidebar on the Schedule Main Screen.

After the Final Approval of the Schedule, the Inspection Function on the Schedule, will not change. The Pending Status in the grid will be set to None:

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedA Final Approved Schedule.

 If we then create an ECH for this Schedule, the Inspection Function sidebar will show Insp Completed in Draft:

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedIf an ECH for the Schedule is created, the Inspection Function sidebar is showing Insp Completed in Draft.

 After the Final Approval of the ECH, the Pending status on the Schedule will be set to None.

If you Defer the Schedule, then on the Schedules Main Screen the Pending status will be set to Extension and the Schedule is set back to Draft.

Table  Description automatically generatedIf the Schedule is deferred, its pending status is set to Extension and the Schedule is set back to Draft.

After approving the Schedule, the Inspection Function, in the Schedule Details, is set to Deferral,

Graphical user interface, text, application, email  Description automatically generatedWhen the Schedule is approved, the Inspection Function is set to Deferral.

 and on the Main Screen, the Pending status is set to None.

Table  Description automatically generatedThe Pending status is set to None. 

Scope and Plan Codes

Here you can add Scope and Plan Codes. This defines what must be inspected and how it must be inspected.

  • First select the Scope, (e.g. Overland Survey, Pigging, or Sampling…).
  • Next, select the corresponding Plan Codes for that Scope (e.g. "CP Test Post Survey" which is a Plan Code for the Scope "Overland Survey").

The options for the Scope Templates depend on the Schedule Type and the Equipment Group. Therefore, not all the Scopes have the same Scope Template option. 

For Schedule Type INSP and Equipment Group "Pipeline" all templates will be shown. For Equipment Group "Umbilical" a selection of the options will be displayed.

Scope and Plan Codes.

 Click on one or more templates to open the Plan:

To open the Plan, click on one or more templates.

 Click on the string What is plannedto see the available Plan Codes for the Scope:

To see the available Plan Codes for the Scope click on the string What is planned?

In the applicable Plan in column Value click on the Dropdown Arrow and select YES , to select the Plan Code.

 In the example below, the "CP Test Post Survey" was selected. 

The CP Test Post Survey selected in the Plan Code.

 Click on the button Next, the created Scope and Plan will be displayed:

After you click on the Next button, the created "CP Test Post Survey" Scope and Plan is Displayed.

The selection of the Scope "Overland Survey" with Plan codes is the following:

Selection of the Scope "overland Survey" with Plan codes. 

 The full list of Schedule Types, Equipment groups, Scopes, and Plan Codes can be found in the Excel file "Schedules and ECH Codes.xlsx" below.

After you select the Plan Codes, you can write additional information in the Narrative.

Drawing and Documents

The Drawings and Documents section can be used to add Drawings and documents to Schedules. To find out more on how to upload a Drawing or a Document into IMS, see Uploading Drawings and Documents via Settings.

To add a Drawing or a Document to the Schedule.:

Click on SEARCH FOR DRAWINGS to add Drawings and documents to the Schedule.
  • Populate the File Name field. Note: To see all uploaded Drawings and Documents click on Drawings in the Main Menu.
  • Pick the Extension(s) type.
  • Click Search
  • The drawing file should be visible in the Drawings tab if uploaded correctly. 
  • Select the drawing file(s) you want to add by ticking the checkbox.
  • Click Apply to link the Drawing to the Schedule.


In the Narratives, you can write more information on "How to do" the activity or other information.

Add more information to the Narrative.


In this section, specific Tasks can be added (including Hold Points). 

Click on the Plus button to add a Task.

Click on the Plus button to add a task.


In this section, Attachments (pictures, documents, etc.,) can be added by clicking on the Plus button.

Click on the Plus button to add the Attachments.

For more information on how to add and annotate attachments see the IMS Details Page / Attachments section.


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