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E02: Number of Failure Modes per Floc or Eq
  • 09 Aug 2024
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E02: Number of Failure Modes per Floc or Eq

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This article provides the steps to make a table of number of FM's per Location type/ Equipment group 

To verify the depth of RCM analyses done on Floc's or Equipment, an overview of the number of FM's found per Floc/Eq can be used. For better overview, this can than be shown per Location type/ Equipment group. An overview of the number of FM's per Floc/Eq can help:

  • to find too simple analyses or too complicated analyses done, which might need correction, 
  • to build a sense of what normal is to scope next RCM work to do,
  • to provide overview in an end report and gain approval for executing the maintnance stratagies,

The data can be retrieved from a query as also from the Floc and Eq grids. 

Below table shows an example of an output, based on Flocs and Location types. In total 8448 Flocs are involved with 9163 FM's - an average of 1.1 FM/Floc.:

In the Floc grid the column #FMs is shown, indicating the number of failure modes per Floc (Functional Location). Exporting your selection to Excel enables (after saving under another name) to create the pivit table. On the web tutorials are provided on Excel-Pivot tables. Typically the settings used involve: Location Type in Rows, Count of #FMs in Values and #FM's in Columns. Note: for overview also the data with 'Sum of #FM's' can be used in Values.

Similarly a table can be greated for Equipment:

The #FM per FLoc/Eq data can be retrieved with these two queries, also:

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