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RCM Screen setup and configuration
  • 09 Aug 2024
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RCM Screen setup and configuration

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Article summary

For information on the IMS User Interface - Main Menus, Main Screens, Detail Pages, etc. see IMS User Interface - Overview.

Take note of the Pinning feature:

Via pinning a selection of objects – for instance a list of Equipment - can be retained in IMS-RCM while stepping through the Main Screen tabs, the data of just that retained selection will be shown. This enables a powerful review approach for a sub-selection of objects. Note that a selection of 20000 objects can be pinned as a maximum. One can use the scoping bar to reduce the number of selected objects.

The pinning function can also give insight into the extend of the data at hand. After selecting all Equipment and clicking the Pin button in below example, 15211 (!) Equipment are pinned, which are linked to 55 Systems, 15062 Flocs, and 1657 Analyses.C:\Users\Harry\Documents\A-Cenosco\RCM3\Training approach\Pictures\Scr 2.jpgUsing the Pinning function to Pin selected Equipment.

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