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Shared repository (sharing and installing a checklist)
Shared repository
It is also possible to share and install Dynamic Forms. e.g., Checklists, from a shared repository. The Shared Repository contains a list of Forms which have been shared by others publicly. The Shared Forms are shown in the list below your Forms.
A Form must be published and made available before it can be installed by others.
Previewing Shared Dynamic Forms
To preview a Dynamic Forms Checklist:
Click on the Name of the desired Form in the Shared Repository Grid List.
The Preview dialog will open to allow you to explore and test the Dynamic Form prior to installing it.
Publishing and sharing a Form
To publish and thus share a Form:
Select the desired Form in the list.
Click the Publish Package button.
A new record with the same name, will show in the Shared Library.
Forms in the Shared Library can have the following Statuses:
Available – form is available on shared library and can be installed
In use – form is installed
Your publish – this is your form which has been published
Upgrade available – there is new version of the installed form available
Installing a form
To install a published Form:
Select the desired Form in the list.
Click the Install/Upgrade Package button.
The Form will then be recreated for you in the list of your forms.