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Software Step 8
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Software Step 8

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Article summary

Step 8 Rate Consequence of Failure (CoF):

Below is explained how to implement Step 8 in the Software. See also Methodology Step 8.

To determine the Consequence of Failure:

  • Select the Criticality Assessment tab in the left section.

Asset Consequence

To determine the Asset Consequence:

  • Click on Asset.
Select the Criticality Assessment tab and click on Asset to access the Asset Consequence questionnaires.


  • Click on Direct, Simple, or Detailed to select the desired questionnaire.
  • Consult the associated methodology guidance.
  • Fill in the questionnaire based on this guidance.
  • Where needed, add additional notes (in the Scenario tab) with regards to the Consequence assessments for later reference.

Note: “Is analysed” will automatically be checked when the questionnaire is filled in. This can be unchecked if the analysis is not yet complete.

People Consequence

To determine the People Consequence:

  • Click on People.
  • Click on Direct, Simple, or Detailed to select the desired questionnaire.
  • Consult the associated methodology guidance.
  • Fill in the questionnaire based on this guidance.
  • Where needed, add additional notes (in the Scenario tab) with regards to the Consequence assessments for later reference.

Note: “Is analysed” will automatically be checked when the questionnaire is filled in. This can be unchecked if the analysis is not yet complete.

Environmental Consequence

To determine the Environmental Consequence:

  • Click on Environment.
  • Click on Direct to select the questionnaire.
  • Consult the associated methodology guidance.
  • Fill in the questionnaire based on this guidance.
  • Where needed, add additional notes (in the Scenario tab) with regards to the Consequence assessments for later reference.

Note: “Is analysed” will automatically be checked when the questionnaire is filled in. This can be unchecked if the analysis is not yet complete.

Community Consequence

To determine the Community Consequence:

  • Click on Community.
  • Click on Direct, or Detailed to select the desired questionnaire.
  • Consult the associated methodology guidance.
  • Fill in the questionnaire based on this guidance.
  • Where needed, add additional notes (in the Scenario tab) with regards to the Consequence assessments for later reference.

Note: “Is analysed” will automatically be checked when the questionnaire is filled in. This can be unchecked if the analysis is not yet complete.

Review the combined Consequence

To review the combined Consequences:

  • Click on Overview to see the results of the 4 Consequence assessments.
  • Overall Consequence is the highest Consequence of the 4.
A picture containing screenshot  Description automatically generatedClick on Overview to see all Consequences. From here the selected questionnaires can be accessed via the link and a Consequence can also be selected directly.


  • Where needed, add additional notes (in the Scenario tab) with regards to the Consequence assessments for later reference.

Note: The Confidence can also be selected directly on the Overview. Also, the selected questionnaires can be accessed via the link in the Overview.

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