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Step 2 Identify Threats and Barriers (Define the CL)
  • 16 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Step 2 Identify Threats and Barriers (Define the CL)

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Article summary



In this step (as part of the Asset definition) the CL must be defined. This includes a definition of the CL boundaries and a process description. It further includes the identification of the Threats and Barriers (including the IOWs) associated with the CL. An initial Barrier assessment is also advised during Barrier identification. Lastly, to complete the CL definition, all Components, forming the CL, should be assigned to the CL.

The compiled overview of Threats and Barriers, also called the Degradation Management Board in IMS, will serve as input to the next phase of the Degradation Management process: The Barrier verification (and design thereof) - Step 3Step 13.

See Methodology Step 2 and Software Step 2.

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