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The LOPA Main screen shows an overview grid, with a list of LOPAs.
Listing LOPAS (the Overview Grid)
To see the list of registered LOPAs:
- Go to the IMS SIS Main Menu.
- Click LOPA to go to the LOPA main screen.
- Use the scoping bar, the filter, or the search functionality to list the desired LOPAs;
- Each record shows several fields, summarizing the LOPA (see Table ). To see more, click on the Settings icon in the toolbar and add additional fields.
Field / Column | Description |
Expand | Expand or collapse a LOPA record using respectively the and button. This will give you the SIL values. |
Select | Check to select a LOPA. |
Active | The Active flag shows for each LOPA whether it is active or inactive: Active LOPA Inactive LOPA (All objects in SIS are Active by default at first) |
Name | Name (ID) of the LOPA, click on the LOPA ID to open the LOPA details. |
Description | Short Description for the selected LOPA. |
HAZOP | If related to a HAZOP, the name ID is shown here. |
Unit | Unit to which the LOPA is assigned to. |
Plant | Plant to which the LOPA is assigned to. |
Consequence | The Consequence description for the LOPA |
HAZOP Scenario | The Scenario description. |
Approved Date | The date when the LOPA was Approved. |
Approved By | By whom the LOPA was Approved. |
Approved Status | The Approval Status, e.g., Draft or “FINAL APPROVAL”. |
Labels | Custom labels (to be added by users) for each record. |
Number of “Not Valid Barriers” | Barriers can be set to be “Not Valid” (NV). The total number of Not Valid Barriers for the LOPA is shown here. |
For more information see Navigating IMS Main Menu Items and IMS Main Screen (Grid List).
LOPA Menu Toolbar
There are several shortcuts or available features that the LOPA toolbar can be used for, e.g., to import LOPAs or create a Report. For more information see IMS Main Screen - Toolbar.
Take note:
- Normally a LOPA is active after the first Final Approval.
- To delete a LOPA it must be in Draft (and Inactive). Thus, Final Approved LOPAs cannot be deleted.
- You can use the calculate button to Calculate the SIL gap for selected LOPAs.
Copying and Pasting LOPAs
LOPAs can be copied and pasted via the LOPA Main Screen toolbar's Copy and Paste buttons. The data will be handled as follows:
If the copied LOPA has a link to a HAZOP, the link will be severed, and any linked information will be removed from the common details of the new LOPA.
If the copied LOPA includes a SIF, a duplicate of the SIF will be created as a standard barrier in the new LOPA. Additionally, the PFD values (L and H) will be reset to 1.00E+00, and the calculate button will turn red, indicating a recalculation is necessary.
Initiating Events, Barriers, and Condition Modifiers in the copied LOPA will retain the same text, validity, frequencies, and PFDs as in the original LOPA.
All notes, attachments, revisions, recommendations, SCEs, and actions will be removed.
Filtering LOPAs
From the LOPA overview page, several filters can be used to drill down the search results for the shown list of LOPAs. Filters include items such as:
- Date Range,
- Active,
- Approved Status,
- Has “Not Valid” Barriers,
- LOPA with SIF,
- Etc.
To filter a list:
- Click on the filter button.
- Check the filters that you want to use.
- Click Show ….
For more information see IMS Main Screen - Filters.