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Appendix: Analysis of a Dynamic Linear Model (DLM)
The formulas of the DLM are described below.
Example DLM Metric
In this example the following data will be used:
Insp Date | 1-Jan-1989 | 1-Jan-1990 | 1-Jan-1991 | 1-Jan-1992 | 1-Jan-1993 |
Reading (mm) | 18.0 | 18.0 | 17.8 | 16.8 | 16.0 |
Reading (inch) | 0.71 | 0.71 | 0.701 | 0.661 | 0.63 |
In this example, every year a reading is taken but that’s not necessary, the algorithm works also for other time intervals.
Let’s assume the initial estimated corrosion rate = 0.1 mm/y.
Step 1
The first reading at 1-Jan-1989 is 18 mm.
The first reading is the blue dot in the graph at 18 mm. In this graph we also see the:
Wall Thickness (WT) data on the left y-axis.
The dates on the x-axis.
The Tmin (the renewal thickness line), which is the blue line at 13.8 mm.
Step 2
With an initial Corrosion Rate (CR) of 0.1 mm/y the best predicted wall thickness for 1-Jan-1990 is 17.9 mm (0.1 mm lost over 1 year). So, the program predicts 17.9 mm with an uncertainty band. The width of the band depends on the uncertainty in the readings and the uncertainty in the model (can be Model 1: linear, Model 2: outlier, Model 3 change in level or Model 4 change in corrosion rate).
Step 3
The reading in 1990 is 18 mm.
From this reading onwards the DLM model starts updating the Corrosion Rate. The reading is higher than was predicted, the updated CR is 0.08 mm/y and with the 0.08 mm/y, the model predicts the wall thickness of 17.8 for 1991. So, the model predicts a Wall Thickness and after a reading has been taken, it updates the model parameters using Bayesian statistics.
Step 4
The reading in 1991 is 17.8 mm, exactly what the model predicted. Then the model continues with the 0.08 mm/y and predicts for 1992 a wall thickness of 17.7 mm. Because the model gets more confidence in Model 1 (linear model), the uncertainty band becomes smaller.
Step 5
The reading in 1992 is 16.8 mm.
So, a reading around 17.6 is expected and the reading is 16.8. This reading is now flagged as an Anomaly in the data, which is displayed in the graph as a red circle. Question - what should the model predict for 1993?
Step 6
Step 6a
If the reading in 1992 is a wrong measurement (outlier, Model 2), then in 1993 a reading around 17.5 mm is expected:
If the reading in 1992 is a change in level (Model 3), then in 1993 a reading around 16.5 mm is expected:
If the reading in 1992 is a change in Corrosion Rate (Model 4), then in 1993 a reading around 15.8 mm is expected:
Step 6d
Because the model doesn’t know if the reading is an outlier, a change in level or a change in Corrosion Rate in 1992, a large uncertainty band will be displayed in the graph. The estimated CR is a weighted average over the four models but must be verified.
Step 7
The reading in 1993 is 16.0 mm, which confirms a change in Corrosion Rate.
Step 8
After the reading, the model parameters are updated and a CR of 0.8 mm/y will be used to predict the Wall Thickness for 1994.
Analysis of a Single DLM
The DLM is a system of equations describing how observations of a process are stochastically dependent on the current process parameters, and how these parameters evolve in time.
The general form of a DLM is:
Observation equation:
System equation:
denotes the observation series at time t is a vector of known constants (the regression vector) denotes the vector of model state parameters is a stochastic error term having a normal distribution with zero mean and variance is a matrix of known coefficients that defines the systematic evolution of the state vector across time is a stochastic error term having a normal distribution with zero mean and covariance matrix
The observation equation defines the sampling distribution for
A DLM is characterized by a set of
Updating: Prior to Posterior Analysis
Bayesian learning proceeds by combining information from observations expressed through the likelihood function with the engineer’s existing state of knowledge before the observations are made. The mechanism of combination is Bayes’ theorem.
Bayes’ theorem
For two quantities X and Y for which probabilistic beliefs are given, Bayes’ theorem states
where the notation
The various terms in Bayes' theorem have formal names. The quantity
The Bayes’ Theorem enables us to make statements about (say) a level following an observation given (i) a quantification of what we believed prior to making the observation, and (ii) a model for the system generating the observation series. This will be seen in the derivation of posterior information.
Prior information
Prior information on the state vector for time (t+1) is summarized as a normal distribution with mean
Forecasting one step ahead
From the prior information, forecasts are generated using the observation equation. The forecast quantity
The forecast distribution for one step ahead therefore has the normal form
The model likelihood, a function of the model parameters, is the conditional forecast distribution evaluated at the observed value. It has the normal form
Posterior information
The prior information is combined with information in the observation (the likelihood) using Bayes’ theorem to yield the posterior distribution on the state
For the dynamic linear model the state posterior is the product of two normal density functions, yielding another normal density:
where the moments are obtained as
The posterior mean is adjusted from the prior value by a multiple of the one step ahead forecast error. The amount of that adjustment is determined by the quantity
Once an observation is made, and posterior descriptions calculated, concern moves to consideration of the next time. Given the posterior distribution for the sate at time t-1 as normally distributed with mean
Now the cycle of prior to forecast to posterior to next prior. These stages characterize the routine on-line updating analysis of the DLM.
Multi-Process DLM
For prediction of the ultrasonic wall thickness in future and to detect anomalies four models have been implemented and is therefore named the multi-process DLM. The model
The four different states of the model can be characterized by the values for the observation noise
j=1, static linear growth, V1 = normal observation noise,
j=2, outlier,
j=3, change-in-level,
j=4, change-in-slope,
For each state j it is assumed that
Assume also that at t=0, the initial prior for the state vector is the usual normal form
Historical information
(a) For j =1 to 4, model
(b) Given
Evolving to time t, statements about
(c) Thus for each i and j
(d) Similarly, the one-step ahead forecast distribution is given, for each possible combination of models
(e) Now consider updating the prior distributions in (c) to posteriors when
(f) Posterior probabilities across the sixteen possible models:
The second term is the observed value for the predictive density, providing the model likelihood, and so the probabilities are given by
These calculations essentially complete the evolution and updating steps at time t. In moving to t+1 the sixteen-component mixture
The equation
We can now write, for each j, the appropriate mean vectors and the corresponding variance matrices
This distribution has four standard normal components. So, we complete the cycle of evolution, updating and collapsing; the resulting four-component mixture is analogous to the starting four component mixture defined by components in (b) with the time index updated from t-1 to t.