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Approval Rights (Privileges)
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Approval Rights (Privileges)

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Article summary

Users need sufficient rights / privileges to Approve.

Approval Levels

Not everyone is allowed to Approve Events. Each IMS user is assigned an Approval Level (0, 1 or 2) for each processing Unit. This is done in the Security Settings. Typically, only the Unit Inspector, Backup Inspector, competent designee or IMS super user/administrator should have the authority to Approve events to Final Approval (Level 2 Approval authority).

To Approve an Event the following is required:

  • There should be a Preferred Owner for the Unit; and
  • The User should be Owner for the Floc with an Approval Level > 0.

The 3 Approval Levels (0, 1 or 2) represent:

  • Level 0: User can Approve to WRITER APPROVED for items in the specific Floc/Unit.
  • Level 1: User can Approve to LEVEL 1 APPROVED for items in the specific Floc/Unit.
  • Level 2: User can Approve to FINAL APPROVED for items in the specific Floc/Unit.

Assigning Approval Rights (Privileges) 

Approval Rights (Privileges) can be assigned to each User in the Security section of the Settings Menu (see Security Settings). 

The Reason for Level 1 Approvals

Level 1 Approval is the user’s protection. Although this seems like an extra, unnecessary, step, it is an important step.

The IMS Approval structure is designed to protect the user. In IMS, any Event (i.e. Condition History) that is at a Status of “Level 1 Approved” cannot be modified! If the unit inspector above wants to modify the ECH that is at the Level 1 Approved status, the unit inspector must first Disapprove the ECH. The ECH then goes back to a "Draft" Status. Changes can then be made and the ECH will be re-Approved from Draft, to …Level 1 Approved, to …Final Approval (see Approving ECHs).

The last user to Approve an Event to “Level 1 Approved” is considered the final author of the document / the responsible inspector. The Level 1 Approval helps him to protect his findings, since it prevents an (unauthorized) user from altering the recorded findings (e.g. deleting or downplaying findings in an ECH).

If this Equipment ever fails, there will not be uncertainty on who’s words were recorded.

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