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Approving, Editing and Deferring FMA Schedules
When you are done defining your FMA CAIR or FMA Inspection Schedules, the Schedule will still have a Draft status and will be inactive. The SAP status on the Schedule will also be empty until Final Approval. In order to set the NID, the Inspection Schedule must be Final Approved.
When the Schedule is Final Approved, the work can take place (at the NID). When the inspection is done, the Schedule should be credited in the ECH. This process is depicted below.
Approving Schedules
To Approve a Schedule:
- Click Approve to Approve the Schedule.Take Note
- You need to have Approval Privileges to have the Approve button available. If you don't, contact your CSA.
- For some sites there are also multiple Approval levels - see Approval Work Process.
- For more information see Approving Inspection & CAIR Schedules
Inspection Function
The Inspection Function box (see below) will show the Approval Status ("Draft", "Writer Approved", "Level 1 Approved", "Final Approved") as well as the Event ("None", "Schd Edit/New Insp", "Recalculation", "Deferral", and "Insp Completed").
Editing Schedules
It is possible to Edit a Final Approved Schedule. When the Schedule itself is being edited, a new Event with the function ‘Schedule Edit / ‘New Inspection’ will be created.
To Edit a Schedule:
- Click Edit.
- A copy of the existing data is created and will show as Pending next to the In Effect Schedule.
- Edit the new copy and click Save.
- The Schedule will now be back in Draft.
- Approve the Schedule again. Note: A popup will ask you to give a reason for the Edit.
The applied changes will update the existing Schedule (e.g., NID, Sched Driver, Resp Discipline, Sched Category).
Deferring Schedules
When a Schedule is Final Approved, but still Uncredited, it can be Deferred (extended) when the inspection date of a Schedule needs to be changed, but not the inspection interval. A new Event ("Deferral") will be created.
Deferrals are only mandatory for Schedules of Category 1. For Category 2 Schedules it is optional since for these Schedules it is possible to change the User Date during the normal Edit.
Otherwise, if the process is not activated for your site, the below applies:
During the process to DEFER a Schedule, you have the option to edit and delete/reverse the deferral process by disapprove the pending Schedule. When a Schedule is extended and Approved, only the Next Inspection Date will change; it is not possible to change other details or inspection scope.
To defer (extend) a Schedule:
- Click DEFER. Note: The DEFER will be shown in yellow for Category 1 Schedules since it is mandatory. For Category 2 and 3 Schedules, it will be shown in blue, indicating that this is optional.
- A popup will open.
- Enter the Deferral data, e.g., Deferral NID, etc.
- Click Save.
- The Deferral data will show in the new Draft.
- Approve the Schedule again. Note: A popup will ask you to give a reason for the Edit.
The NID will then become the Deferral NID.
For more information about the Approval process see Approvals - Overview, Approving Inspection Schedules, Approval Privileges, and Approval Work Process.