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Assurance Dashboard
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Assurance Dashboard

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Article summary

The Assurance Dashboard contains all the FAIR+MS Queries. Most of the Queries come from the Shell Manufacturing Standard DSM-1510002-ST PEIM v1.2, February 2015.

Columns in the Assurance grid:

The name of the Query



A description of the Query


A dimension, for example Category 1, Category 2, …


An arrow showing an upward trend or a downward trend between the value of today and the last month. If the values are the same, then an “=” sign will be displayed.


The count of the Query of today.


This is the current month (In this example Dec 2019).


This is the count on the last day of the previous month (in this example Nov 2019).


This is the count on the last day of two months ago, in this example Oct 2019.



By displaying data of previous months, the user can see whether the trend is going up or down.


  • Above the grid, on the left side, the user can select the period of interest.
  • By clicking on the buttons on the right side, the user can swap to a different view.
  • Use the filter to filter for specific Queries.
Select period on the left, change display options on the right. Specify filter options on the right.
Additional Instructions
For more information on how to use Dashboards see Opening Dashboards, Favoriting Dashboards, and General Dashboard Options.

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