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Tab: CML Calc Results
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Tab: CML Calc Results

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Article summary

The CML Calc Results tab of the Calculation Summary displays a table with the CR calculation results. The number of rows is equal to the number of CMLs/MPs in the Circuit. Below is shown the tab with the first row.

The CML Calc Results tab.

The table below explains each of the columns:


Actual CML/MP

Contains the Circuit – subCircuit – CML and MP. So, for the first row in above figure:
Circuit: A
subcircuit: 01

MP: Minimum

Next Insp Date

The NID is the Maximum Inspection Interval (MII) added to the Last Inspection Date (LID): NID = MII + LID.

Last Inspection Date

The Last Inspection Date (LID).

Interval yrs

The Maximum Inspection Interval (MII): RL * TIF.

RL Date

The Remnant Life in a date format: LID + RL Interval.

RL Interval

The Remnant Life (RL) in years, calculated by dividing the Remaining Corrosion Allowance (RCA) by the Governing Rate (max CR).


True, if selected during creation of the latest workpack.


Provides info whether the calculated NID on the CML is lower than the NID at the inspection event.

Renewal Thickness

The Renewal Thickness (Tmin).


The Remaining Corrosion Allowance, is the wall thickness of the last reading minus Renewal Thickness.

Governing Rate

The CR used in the NID and RL calculation.

If the Equipment group is Aircooler, Bundle, Furnace, Incinerator & Pipe/System then the Governing CR is the maximum of Long term CR, Short term CR, Average Long term CR, Average Short term CR, Linear Regression and Suggested CR (Calc Method 1).

For other Equipment groups the Governing CR is the maximum of Long-term CR, Short term CR, Linear Regression and Suggested CR (Calc Method 2).

Govrng Rate Basis

The basis for the Governing Rate. This can be Long-term CR, Short-term CR, Average Long-term CR, Average Short-term CR, Linear Regression, or the Suggested CR. The highest CR drives the CML.

Govrng IF

The Interval Factor being applied to the calculation. This is also called the Total IF: TIF = Circuit IF x PERF IF x DSCF IF (Calc Method 1) or TIF = Circuit IF x PERF IF (Calc Method 2). Circuit IF is either user entered or the SRBI IF.

Suggested Corr Rate

The Suggested CR. This is entered by the user on the Circuit details and should be the expected CR based on degradation assessment. See Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details.

Short Rate

The short-term CR, see Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details.

Long Rate

The long-term CR, see Section Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details.

Lin Regr Coeff

The Linear regression correlation coefficient is an important value to review. A value of “1” or “–1” indicates a perfect linear relationship. Values closer to 0 indicate can indicate inconsistent thickness data. See Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details.

Linear Regr Rate

The CR based on linear regression, see Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details.

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