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Tab: Summary/Messages
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Tab: Summary/Messages

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Article summary

The Summary/Messages tab of the Calculation Summary summarizes the Next Inspection Date calculations.

For each CML/MP the Remnant Life (RL) and Next Inspection Date (NID) are calculated. 

For IMS Calculated and IMS Half life, the CML/MP with the earliest NID is selected. This is the driving CML/MP. The IMS Calculated and IMS Half life rows show this driving CML/MP’s NID and corresponding Last Inspection Date (LID). Also the RL in years, the Rate (max CR), the Basis (which CR, e.g., Short, Long, is driving) are shown. 

The Time-Based NID is always looking at the LID of all the CMLs, plus a fixed time interval, based on the Inspection Reason (see Creating new PEI Circuits). For this reason the LID of the Time-Based can differ from the LID of the IMS Calculated. NoteNominal measurements are not considered as inspections and are thus not taken into account when the LID is determined.

The other columns in the table are:

  • The Interval Factor (IF): For all rows, except IMS Half life, this is the Circuit IF. Depending on the Circuit’s IF Strategy, this will either be a user entered value or the RBI IF. For the IMS Half life an IF of 0.5 is always used.
  • Maximum Inspection Interval (MII): MII = RL x TIF. (The TIF is determined from the Circuit IF as well as other factors – see Tab: Corr Rates IF). For Time-Based, the MII is a user entered, jurisdictional or calculated inspection interval (e.g. from RBI).
  • Driving: This shows the Circuit – Sub-Circuit – CMLname – MPname of the driving CML/MP, i.e. the CML/MP with the earliest NID.

The Recommended NID is either the IMS Calculated or Time-Based NID, whichever is the earliest date. When EVA is enabled, it can also be the EVA NID. The other NIDs (IMS Half life, Sugg CR Calculated, and IDAP) do not take part in the horserace.

The Summary/Messages tab.

Row descriptions:


IMS Calculated

Data based on the IMS CR calculations (Long CR, Short CR, Linear Regression CR, Suggested CR, Average Long-term CR, and Average Short-term CR).

IMS Half life

Same as above but with a fixed Interval Factor of 0.5. (not taking part in horserace).

Sugg CR Calc

Data only based on the Suggested CR. (not taking part in horserace).


Data only based on the IDAP (DLM) estimated CR (see Corrosion Rate Calculations – Details). Not used in the calculations to drive inspections, for display purposes only. (not taking part in horserace).


Determined from RBI, the User entered interval, or from Industry Codes (e.g. maximum interval for Vessel Corrosion Schedules is 10 years).


It is either the Calculated or Time-Based Next Inspection Date: whichever is the earliest date. Time-Based will always be used if the Ignore Calc Interval checkbox on the Circuit Detail is checked (see Remnant Life (RL) and Next Inspection Date (NID) Calculations).

Rgd Limit Req

Reading Limit Requirement (only for display purposes, converted from IDMS).

RBI Interval Factor

Interval Factor determined using SRBI. If the Circuit’s IF Strategy is set to “SRBI”, then this becomes the Circuit IF and thus is used in the CR calculations.

Reviewing Warnings

Warning relevant to the CR calculations are displayed on here. Take note of these and make changes if needed, e.g. remove outliers from your data (see Data Quality (Identifying Anomalies)).

Graphical user interface, application  Description automatically generatedTake note of warnings. 

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