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- Enable the Witnessing module (see Setting up for Witnessing).
- Give Witness Approver/Supervisor privileges (see Setting up for Witnessing).
- Mark Schedules and inspections (ECHs) for Witness Review and Approval (see Witnessing Process for Schedules and Witnessing Process for ECHs).
- Do additional Reviews and Approvals on Schedules (see the Witnessing Process for Schedules).
- Do additional Reviews and Approvals on ECHs (see the Witnessing Process for ECHs).
- Use the Witnessing Dashboards.
- See and Filter for Witnessing information in the Schedule and Condition History Main Screens.
Witnessing is about additional reviews and Approvals on both Schedules and ECHs as a result of legislation, in addition to the general Approval of these items. Sites with this legal requirement have to handover periodic reports on Supervision/reviews, and Approval on corresponding documentation. The Witnessing module helps by registering all of this in IMS. The benefit is a clear audit trail of the reviews, and improved efficiency in terms of creating the necessary reports.
Note: Witnessing is only advised for Equipment that legally require it. In IMS, this requirement is specified in the Equipment Spec: CLASSIFICATION IN SERVICE PHASE (value = “S” or “KP”).
What can be Witnessed
Witnessing Review and Approval only apply to:
Three Types of Users
There are 3 types of users that take part in the Witnessing process:
- Inspector: Any user authorized to create and modify Schedules/ECHs, for example "SKK-Level 2 Inspector".
- Supervisor: Users that Approve/review the Schedules/ECHs marked for Supervision, for example "SKK-Level 3 Inspector". Assigned Job: "Sr Insp/Eng".
- Authority: Users that Approve the follow-up of Field Inspections for Schedules/ECHs. This is usually an external party providing compliance, risk and technical consultancy services, for example "NL-CB". Assigned Job: "Authority".
Note: Witnessing is restricted to a selection of users. The privileges for users are based on their Job. To see how to assign Jobs, go to Setting up for Witnessing.
Refer to Witnessing Process for Schedules to see the role of the different Users in terms of the Witnessing Process steps. The flow diagram that you will find there gives a good overview of the Witnessing Process.
Important for Schedules/ECHs marked for Witnessing
Remember the following with regards to Schedules/ECHs that are marked for Witnessing:
- When an Authorized Schedule is changed (edited), e.g. at the start of a new inspection event, all Authorizations expire. The Authority history is still shown in the Witnessing Thread.
- If new Schedules/CAIRs are created from an ECH, they need to follow their own Witnessing rout. They do not form part of the original ECH Witnessing process.
- It is important to credit all Schedule involved when an ECH is being completed.
- Witnessing is not automatically applied to an ECH that is credited with a ‘Witness Schedule’.
- If a Schedule/ECH was not marked for Witnessing and it is Final Approved, it cannot be marked for Witnessing any more. The Witnessing options can only be checked when there is a pending event. Thus, the Schedule/ECH must be in Draft/backed-out.
- All Schedules/ECH must be supplied with the essential attachments to help the Supervisor/ Authority understand the aim and conclusion of the inspection activities.