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Lean Amine Corrosion
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Lean Amine Corrosion

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Article summary

Take Note
There are some specific cases where the S-RBI assessment approach in IMS PEI changes, depending on the Degradation Mechanism.
This section gives guidance for Lean Amine Corrosion.

Lean Amine Corrosion is a general or localized form of corrosion, affecting primarily carbon and low-alloy steels. Pure (fresh) amine solutions are non-corrosive because of their alkalinity.

Parameters affecting IOW – Step 2 

See Step 2.

The following table is a generic IOW Table for Lean Amine Corrosion Loops.

Generic IOW Table for Lean Amine Corrosion Loops:

Equipment/ Stream / Location (Tag)
Measurement unit
Typical measurement frequency
Limit Category (and Type)

Line from regenerator to lean amine pump; at regenerator outlet



TBD / Site specific

Standard / Monitoring (Max.)

Outlet reboiler (liquid and gas (and liquid-gas) return lines.



TBD / Site specific

Standard / Monitoring (Max.)

Lean solvent

Amine residual H2S loading
(acid-gas loading)


TBD / Site specific

Standard / Monitoring (Min.)

Lean solvent

Amine residual CO2 loading
(acid-gas loading)


TBD / Site specific

Standard / Monitoring (Max.)

All lean amine lines

Flow rate


Site specific (e.g., depends on stability of the operation)

Monitoring (Max.)

Lean Amine

Solvent strength


Typically, once a day (depends on frequency of fluctuations of the solvent strength)

Standard / Monitoring (Max.)

Lean Amine

Chloride content


TBD / Site specific

Monitoring (Max.)

Lean Amine



TBD / Site specific / typically 3 times a week (but much more frequent than the "fingerprint" or "Huntsman" analyses).

Standard / Monitoring (Min.)

Lean Amine




Critical (Max.)

Lean Amine

Maximal content of heat stable salts (HSS).

wt.% on total solvent

Site specific but recommended at least once per quarter and additional when the pH IOW is on or nearing the limit.

Monitoring (Max.)

Lean Amine

Maximal Total Suspended Solids (TSS)


TBD / Site specific

Monitoring (Max.)

Confidence – Step 10

See Step 10:

Follow the guidance below to determine answers for the Lean Amine Corrosion Confidence Assessment.

Lean Amine Corrosion Confidence Assessment Guidance:

Key Questions

Degradation mechanism can be properly controlled.

  • "Yes": HSAS, minimum acid gas loading and the other IOWs in the table above are properly controlled; residual acid-gas loading under control and minimum value established.
  • "No": When one or more IOW limits are frequently exceeded.

Relevant process parameters are reliably monitored.

  • "Yes": All relevant process variables known and actively monitored.
  • "Intermediate": Relevant process variables known but not actively monitored; no limits for operations.
  • "No": No IOW available.

Reliable inspections were carried out.

  • "Yes": 3 inspections above ‘usually effective’.
  • "Intermediate": 1 – 2 inspections above ‘usually effective’.
  • "No": No inspections or ineffective inspections.

Required Inspection Effectiveness – Step 11 & Step 12

See Step 11 and Step 12.

Use the Required Inspection Effectiveness, determined in Step 11, to determine the Inspection technique and coverage.

In Step 11 you can find guidance for General Thinning. The below table provide guidance for Localized Thinning. Lean amine corrosion tends to be localized in nature.

The inspection technique and coverage, for Localized Thinning, to achieve a required Inspection Effectiveness:

Required Inspection Effectiveness
Intrusive Inspection
Non-Intrusive Inspection

A (Highly) Effective

Visual examination of 90 -100% of susceptible areas (with removal of internal packing, trays, etc.) and thickness measurements.

90-100% coverage using (automated) ultrasonic scanning or profile radiography of susceptible areas. Inspection of a smaller percentage area is acceptable if the corrosion mechanism is well understood, and susceptible areas known; lower coverage could still provide the level of confidence needed.

B (Usually) Effective

Visual examination of at least 70% of susceptible areas (with partial removal of the internals) including manways, nozzles, etc. and thickness measurements at noted areas of concern.

Inspect 70% of susceptible areas using (automated) ultrasonic scanning, manual ultrasonic measurements (using surface scanning), or profile radiography. Inspection of a smaller percentage area is acceptable if the corrosion mechanism is well understood, and susceptible areas known; lower coverage could still provide the level of confidence needed.

C (Fairly) Effective

Visual examination of at least 50% of suspect areas and spot ultrasonic thickness measurements at noted areas of concern.

Inspect 50% of susceptible areas1 using (automated) ultrasonic scanning, manual ultrasonic measurements (using suface scanning technique), or profile radiography.

D (Poorly) Effective

Any visual examination of less than 50% of suspect area.

Spot ultrasonic thickness measurements or profile radiography without areas being specified by a corrosion engineer or other knowledgeable specialist, e.g., fixed number of CMS with fixed CML configuration without area scanning of individual measurement points (MPs).

E Ineffective



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