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RCM Systems - Failure Modes & RSLs
  • 30 Jan 2025
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RCM Systems - Failure Modes & RSLs

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Article summary

This online manual describes how Failure Modes are assigned to Equipment.

Equipment and Failure Modes

The detailed System screen is the primary location to connect Failure Modes (FM’s) to Equipment for further analysis. Note: Failure Modes can also be added and removed in the RCM Analysis grid. Here only Equipment with at least one FM (attached via the Systems screen) will show.

To connect a Failure Mode to an Equipment:

  • In the Systems screen, first select the tag under a Functional Failure of a System.
  • Click the Edit button under Functions and Functional Failures, and click +/- to open the selection screen:


  • Tick the tags to be selected. Take note that both Equipment and Flocs can be selected for analyses.
  • The Failure modes can then be selected by clicking the icon:

Failure Modes can be selected in one of the following ways:

  1. Selecting Reliability Strategy Library Failure Modes.
  2. Selecting System Failure Modes.C:\Users\Harry\Documents\A-Cenosco\RCM3\Training approach\Pictures\RSL SFM.jpg
Take Note
Equipment and RCM knowledge is required to decide which Failure Modes are appropriate to be selected for an Equipment in a certain operating context. 

Selecting Reliability Strategy Library Failure Modes

On the RSL Failure Modes tab reliability libraries can be selected – starting with the appropriate Failure Modes - which contain generic analysis with a Failure Mode, an ETBF value, criticality, suggested tasks, ETBC and MEI.

The selected library can be inherited from the original, or copied from the original. When the library is inherited, the created analyses will be flagged as out of sync, so that you can revisit them and decide whether to update. When copied the created analyses will not be updated.F:\M080.07.jpg

When you have selected the library click: OK and then Save.

Since the Reliability Strategy Library contains a generic analysis, it is the RCM facilitator's responsibility to evaluate and validate the appropriateness of the selected data of that library and make adjustments to reach the desired accuracy.

Instruction Video

For more information on assigning FM's to tags see the instruction video: Link FM to Equipment Episode 6 Video.

Selecting System Failure Modes

In this section an overview of potential FMs are shown. From this overview the appropriate Failure Modes can be selected. You can add new FMs or edit a FM.

Take Note
It takes Equipment knowledge and RCM knowledge to decide which Failure Modes are credible for an Equipment in the operating context.
After the Failure Modes has been selected. the RCM Analyses still needs to be done in detail. 


To add a new FM to the System click the Create new failure Mode button shown in the bottom.


You can also manually edit the Failure mechanism via the Edit button - to capture the driving mechanism for the degradation by the Failure Mode. (See Special Failure Mode Situation.)

When you have finally selected the appropriate FMs click: OK and then Save.

Special Failure Mode situation

‘Once Off’ Failure Modes can be created that are not stored as common data and only exists for this Tag in this Functional Failure. Note: These custom FM’s are not stored, as they will be used rarely - this way the common data does not get cluttered too quickly. 

Via Edit the first FM in the list can be modified as a ‘quick’ once off FM.

Also via Edit info on the Failure mechanism can be added:


Instruction videos

For more information on user defined FM’s see instruction video: User Defined FMs Episode 9 Video.

Special situation: Move Tags to Another System

It possible that Tags, like Flocs and Eq, could have been analyzed in a System that may have not been chosen well. As a Tag is only allowed in one System, moving the data may require various steps. For just a few changes of Tags to another System, is can quite easily be done manually, see: Move analyses to another System. The benefit of this approach is that the Prioritization data is also moved over.

Manual move can be done, through the creation of 'Dummy-tags' to temporary store the Analyses, while the Floc or Eq are moved to the other System. With the Query on exporting prioritization data and the import of it via the import: "System Equipment" - the prioritization data can be moved separately. See: E08: Floc/Eq Priority data.

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