- IMS Platform (General) 1 26
- Symbols Guide
- Abbreviations
- IMS User Interface - Basic Navigation 1
- IMS Settings 6
- Settings - Overview Updated
- Data Transfer Settings 1
- CMMS Interface
- Importing Data via Settings 1
- SIDAP Batch (re)Calculation via Settings
- Importing Equipment Images via Settings
- Importing Attachments via Settings
- Importing SAP Dumps via Settings
- Uploading Drawings and Documents
- Uploading 3D Models
- Reviewing Offline Scopes in Settings
- Reviewing Import History in Settings
- Maintenance Settings 4
- Maintenance Settings Overview
- Configuration Settings 1
- Configuration Settings Overview
- Application Settings
- Responsible Area Settings
- Configuring Measurement Points (MPs) in Settings
- Configuring Matrix Locations in Settings
- Configuring CML Types in Settings
- Hierarchy Type Configuration in Settings
- Configuring the Default Main Menus per User role via Settings Updated
- Configuring Query Tool Intervals in Settings
- Configuring the SAP Release date nr. days in Settings
- Configuring the CMMS Mapping in Settings
- Security Settings Updated
- User Profiles
- RBI Specific Data Settings Updated
- SIS Specific Data Settings
- Schedules Settings Updated
- Corrosion Data Settings
- Specifications/ECH Settings
- Suppliers/Manufacturers Settings
- Common Data Settings
- Company Settings
- IMS Approvals
- IMS Dashboards
- IMS Dynamic Forms
- Dynamic Forms Overview
- Configuring Dynamic Forms
- Creating new Dynamic Forms
- Adding Stages to Dynamic Forms
- Adding Sections to Dynamic Forms
- Adding Tables to Dynamic Forms
- Configuring Fields for Dynamic Forms
- Defining Conditions for Dynamic Forms
- Defining Logic for Dynamic Forms
- Approving Dynamic Forms
- Adding Notes for Dynamic Forms
- Cloning or Iterating Dynamic Forms
- Shared repository (sharing and installing a checklist)
- Deleting Dynamic Forms
- Using Dynamic Forms
- IMS Queries 2
- IMS Reports
- IMS Task Templates
- IMS Drawings 1 1
- IMS Interfaces 4
- IMS Integrity Operating Window (IOW)
- IMS Planned Events
- IMS Schedules (across Disciplines) 7
- Schedules Overview
- IMS Schedules and ECHs across Discipline Updated
- Schedule Types
- Schedule Lifecycle
- Next Inspection Date (NID) – Horserace
- PEI Schedule NID Calculation - Example
- Schedules - Main Screen
- Default Schedules Updated
- Creating Schedules
- Defining Schedules 3
- Approving, Editing and Deferring Schedules Updated
- Integrated Deferral Approval Process for Schedules Updated
- Tying Schedules to Upcoming Events
- Waiting on Paperwork
- View for Easy Capturing of Findings
- Configuring and using MEC Cost
- IMS Condition Histories (ECHs) across Discipline 2
- ECH - Overview
- ECH Main Screen
- Step A: Creating ECHs
- Step B: Detailing ECHs
- Step C: Crediting Schedules, Adding and Managing Tasks
- Step D: Specifying Inspection Data and Codes Updated
- Step E: Writing Narratives
- Step F: Viewing and Creating new Schedules / CAIRs (from ECH)
- Step G: Reviewing ECHs (Generating Reports)
- Step H: Approving ECHs (& Editing & Backout) Updated
- How to create historical inspection history records (ECHs)
- Crediting Schedules - Requirements and Consequences
- IMS 3D 1
- IMS Hierarchy
- IMS4Field 1
- IMS Action Items 1
- User Support 6
- When IMS is down! Updated
- Releases Updated
- IMS System Requirements
- Using YouTrack
- Requesting Support 1
- Support SLA & Priority
- Ticket Escalation
- Reporting Security Incidents
- Creating IMS User Accounts
- Licence Viewer
- Where are the Release Notes? Updated
- FAQ 2
- Guides
- The Help Center
- PEI 1 9
- PEI Overview
- PEI User Roles Updated
- PEI Systems Updated
- PEI Degradation Management - Theory
- Degradation Management Theory - Overview
- Degradation Management - Workflow
- Degradation Mechanisms - Classification and Definition
- Age-Related and Non-Age-Related Failure Characteristics
- Corrosion and Remnant Life - Theory
- Barrier Types and Definition
- Corrosion Loop Theory
- IOW Theory
- S-RBI - Theory
- References - Degradation Management Theory
- MEI in PEI
- Degradation Management using S-RBI 4
- Degradation Management using S-RBI - Overview Updated
- S-RBI Workflow
- The Degradation Management (Using S-RBI) Steps 3
- Step 1 Define the Asset (and set up the Hierarchy)
- Step 2 Identify Threats and Barriers (Define the CL)
- Step 3 Start S-RBI Analysis and Assign DMs to Components
- Step 4 Determine most Credible Failure Scenario
- Step 5 Review the Inspection History and Credit DMs 1
- Step 6 Estimate RL (AR DMs and CUI) 1
- Step 7 Determine Susceptibility to Failure
- Step 8 Rate Consequence of Failure
- Step 9 Review Overall Criticality
- Step 10 Assess Confidence
- Step 11 Review Results – NID, MII, IS, Inspection Effectiveness
- Step 12 Assign S-RBI Results to Schedules and/or update Monitoring Plan
- Step 13 Barrier Verification - Execute, Analyze, Document 1
- Step 14 Maintain Barriers
- Step 15 Review S-RBI Analysis and IOW
- Calculators
- RBI NID Calculation - from Equip Start Date and Inspection Date
- Guidance per Special Emphasis for Degradation Management with S-RBI
- Special Emphasis Components - Summary
- Equipment outside IMS PEI RBI scope
- Corrosive Deadlegs
- Corrosive Injection and Mixing Points
- Dissimilar Welds
- Heat Exchanger Bundles (Shell and Tube)
- Pressure Relief Devices (RV/RD/VB)
- Small Bore Connections
- Tanks - Degradation Management
- Thermal Injection and Mixing Points
- Underground Piping
- Guidance per DM for Degradation Management with S-RBI
- Guidance per DM - Summary
- Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)
- Amine Stress Corrosion Cracking
- Corrosion Under Insolation (CUI)
- Creep
- High Temperature Hydrogen Attack (HTHA)
- Hydrogen Induced Cracking HIC/SOHIC
- Lean Amine Corrosion
- Microbially Induced Corrosion
- Non-Corrosive
- Rich Amine Corrosion
- Thermal Fatigue at Mixing and Injection Points
- Degradation Management using RBI 581 1
- PEI Hierarchy
- PEI Functional Locations (FLOCs)
- Piping Systems
- PEI Equipment
- PEI Corrosion Loops
- PEI CL - Overview
- PEI CL - Main Screen
- Creating and Defining Corrosion Loops
- Creating Corrosion Loops
- Defining CL Boundaries, Process and Potential DMs
- Defining Degradation Mechanisms
- Adding Notes to DMs and Barriers
- Deleting DMs, Barriers, Notes
- Defining Barriers (and linking to IOWs)
- Copying DMs and Barriers to other CLs
- Linking Circuits to CLs
- Assigning Components to CLs
- Assigning DMs to Components
- Reviewing Barrier Statuses
- CCD Reporting and Approval
- PEI Circuits 1 2
- PEI Circuits - Overview
- PEI Circuits - Main Screen
- Creating new PEI Circuits Updated
- PEI Circuits - Details Page
- Managing Measurement Sets Updated
- Handling Circuits with a large amount of low quality Measurements
- PEI - Recommended Renewal Thickness
- Example: Bulk importing measurement data (starting with Circuit creation) New
- PEI Corrosion Calculations and Calc Summary
- PEI Trending and Corrosion Analysis (S-IDAP)
- S-IDAP - Overview
- S-IDAP Methodology - Dynamic Linear Modeling (4 Models explained)
- Data Selection and starting S-IDAP
- S-IDAP Equipment and Circuits Overview Section
- S-IDAP Details Page Orientation
- S-IDAP Results Tab
- S-IDAP Measurements Tab
- S-IDAP Overview Plot Tab
- S-IDAP Histogram Tab
- S-IDAP TrendPlot Tab
- S-IDAP Isometric Tab
- S-IDAP TrendPlots
- S-IDAP Readings and Edit Measurements Tabs
- S-IDAP Additional Functions and Settings
- S-IDAP Approval Panel
- S-IDAP References
- Appendix: Analysis of a Dynamic Linear Model (DLM)
- PEI Components
- PEI Special Emphasis
- Witnessing
- PEI Dashboards
- PEI Tutorial Videos
- Fabric Maintenance 1
- Civil
- PEI Civil - Overview
- PEI Civil User Roles
- PEI Civil Glossary
- PEI Civil Methodology - Background
- PEI Civil Software Overview
- Key Results of the Civil Analyses
- Setup Register of Civil Assets and Risks
- Step 1 Define the Civil Asset in IMS
- Step 2 Start Civil RBI Analysis, assign DMs & define credible Failure Scenario
- Step 3 Determine Condition Status and credit DMs (Civil)
- Step 4 Estimate Remaining Functional Life (Civil)
- Step 5 Determine Probability or Likelihood of Failure (Civil)
- Step 6 Rate Consequences of Failure (Civil)
- Step 7 Review Criticality and Present Failure Risk (Civil)
- References (Civil online manual)
- Define Civil Inspection Plan
- Define Civil Maintenance Plan
- Additional Civil Methodology Details
- Civil Components and Credible Scenarios (Steps 1 & 2)
- Civil Age-Related Failure Modes (Step 2)
- Civil Value of analyzing NAR Failure Modes (including Asset Abuse) (Step 2)
- Civil Credible effects (Step 2)
- Civil Remnant Life – Likelihood Examples (Step 4)
- Civil Susceptibility Class (Step 5)
- Civil Degradation Influence Factors (Step 5)
- Civil Likelihood of Failure (Steps 5 & 7)
- Civil Consequence Examples (Step 6)
- Civil Maintenance Methodology and Susceptibility (Step 7)
- Civil Profile of Failure Risk (Step 7)
- Civil Confidence in Remnant Life Estimate (Step 8)
- Alternate Approach to Civil Interval Factor Estimation (Step 9)
- Define Civil Preventive Maintenance Scenarios (Step 10)
- Estimate Civil Life Cycle Costs for PM Scenarios (Step 11)
- Civil cost Optimization of Risk Reduction (Step 12)
- RCM Overview
- RCM User Roles
- RCM Basics - 7 Questions
- RCM Business Process
- RCM Common Data
- RCM Terms of Reference - Plan the study
- RCM Screen setup and configuration
- RCM Hierarchy
- RCM Top level Hierarchy
- RCM Flocs
- RCM Equipment
- RCM Data Import
- Updating PLEs in RCM
- RCM Systems
- RCM Systems - Overview
- RCM Systems - Basics
- RCM Systems - Creating / Importing
- RCM Systems - Study
- RCM Systems - Tags and Prioritization
- RCM Systems - Functions and Functional Failures
- RCM Systems - Failure Modes & RSLs
- RCM Systems boundary registration
- Moving Analyses to other Systems
- Handling duplication in RCM Systems
- RCM Analysis
- Starting an RCM Analysis
- RCM Analysis - Failure Effects (Step 1)
- RCM Analysis - Criticality Assessment (Step 2)
- RCM Analysis - Strategy Decision (Step 3)
- RCM Analysis - Maintenance Tasks (Step 4)
- RCM Analysis - MEI Calculation (Step 5)
- RCM Analysis - Review & Update via grid
- RCM Analysis - Imports and Exports
- One time cost and MEI
- RSL Reliability Strategy Library
- RCM Schedules
- RCM Equipment Condition Histories (ECHs)
- RCM Changes and Deferrals
- MEC board
- RCM Dashboards
- RCM Queries
- RCM Queries - Background
- Working with Queries
- E01: Statistics on RCM Systems
- E02: Number of Failure Modes per Floc or Eq
- E03: RCM Analyses Overview Cr-RR-Appr
- E04: RCM Analyses Changes - Query
- E05: MEC approved tasks query
- E06: MEI threshold and TA's Query
- E07: PLE Queries for RCM
- E08: Floc/Eq Priority data
- E09: Query: to which System-FF are RSL-FM's assigned to.
- No Results ??
- RCM Quality Checks
- RCM Tips and Tricks
- RCM Tutorial Videos
- FCM 11
- FCM Overview
- FCM Workflow
- FCM User Roles Updated
- FCM Definitions
- FCM in Offline Mode
- FCM Navigation - Main Menus
- Critical Joints
- Creating Flanges: Flange-FLOC & Equipment 4
- Creating Flanges - Overview
- FCM FLOC Details Page Updated
- Creating Flange-FLOCs Updated
- Flange-FLOC Details Page Updated
- Creating Flange and Grayloc Equipment Updated
- FCM Equipment Details Page (Level 4)
- Flange Equipment Details Page (Level 5)
- Flange Equipment Design and Calculations
- Grayloc Equipment Details Page
- Grayloc Equipment Design and Calculations
- Bolting Tools Updated
- Creating Jobs and ECHs in FCM 5
- FCM Dashboards
- FCM References
- Appendix A: Flange Calculations
- Appendix B: Grayloc Calculations
- PLSS 4
- PLSS Overview
- PLSS User Roles
- PLSS Reporting
- PLSS Pipeline Valve Leak and Closure Test
- PLSS Functional Locations (FLOCs)
- PLSS Corrosion Management Framework (CMF) Updated
- PL Remedial Actions
- PLSS Equipment
- PL Comments Overview
- PL Survey
- PLSS Systems and Degradation Management
- PLSS Spares Overview
- PLSS API Document
- PLSS Schedules
- PLSS Schedules Overview
- PLSS Schedule Types
- PLSS Schedule Lifecycle
- PLSS Schedules Main Screen
- Creating PLSS Schedules (Assessment, Inspection, CAIR, Preventative)
- Approving, Editing and Deferring PLSS Schedules
- Changing NIDs of PLSS Schedules
- Tying PLSS Schedules to Upcoming Events
- PLSS Schedule with Inspection Locations
- PLSS Custom Reports & Queries
- PLSS Condition History
- PLSS Condition History Overview
- PLSS ECH Main Screen
- Creating PLSS ECHs
- Detailing PLSS ECHs
- Crediting PLSS Schedules
- Specifying PLSS Checklists
- Selecting PLSS ECH Integrity Status
- Overriding PLSS Next Inpection Date (NID)
- Writing PLSS ECH Narratives
- Viewing and Creating new PLSS Schedules / CAIRs (from ECH)
- Reviewing PLSS ECHs (Generating Reports)
- Approving PLSS ECHs
- Bulk Approving PLSS ECHs
- Creating Anomalies in PLSS ECHs
- PLSS Anomalies 2
- PLSS Campaigns
- PLSS Campaigns Overview
- PLSS Campaigns - Main Screen
- Creating PLSS Campaigns
- PLSS Campaign Details Page
- Reviewing PLSS Campaign Scope
- Adding Equipment to PLSS Campaigns
- Adding Schedules to PLSS Campaigns
- Approving PLSS Campaigns
- Creating Workpacks in PLSS Campaigns
- Importing Campaing Workpack Excel Files
- Approving PLSS ECHs and Findings
- Creating PLSS Campaign Type Corrosion Assessment Pipelines
- Creating PLSS Campaigns Type Underwater Eq. Activities
- PLSS Dashboard
- PL Fit for Service
- PL Internal Corrosion Assessment 1
- PL Internal Corrosion Assessment
- PL Internal Corrosion - Degradation Management
- PL Internal Corrosion - Corrosion Monitoring
- Hydrocor Light
- PL Internal Corrosion - Schedule
- PL Internal Corrosion - Condition History
- PL Internal Corrosion - Findings and Anomalies Updated
- PL Internal Corrosion - Sectioning
- PL Internal Corrosion Assessment Appendices
- PL External Corrosion Assessment
- PL External Corosion Theory
- PL External Corrossion Assessment
- PL External Corrosion - Degradation Management
- PL External Corrosion - Impressed Current CP
- PL External Corrosion - Sacrifice Anode CP
- PL External Corrosion - Excor
- PL External Corrosion - Schedules
- PL External Corrosion - Condition Histories
- PL External Corrosion - Findings and Anomalies
- PL External Corrosion - Sectioning
- PL External Corrosion and ECH
- PL Risk Based Assessment
- PL Scenario Assessment
- PL ILI Comparison
- PLSS Training
- PLSS Overview Training
- PLSS FLOC Training
- PLSS Equipment Training
- PLSS System and Degradation Management Training
- PLSS Schedules Training
- PLSS Condition History and Anomalies Training
- PLSS Campaigns Training
- PL FFS Training
- PL External Corrosion Assessment Training
- PL Internal Corrosion Assessment Training
- PL Risk Based Assessment Training
- PL Remedial Actions Training
- PL Scenario Assessment Training
- PL ILI Comparison Training
- PL Non-Piggable Pipelines Training
- PLSS Dashboard Training
- PLSS Reporting Training
- PL Comment Training
- TAT - Overview
- TAT User Roles
- TAT Workflow
- TAT Basic Navigation
- Finding your TAT Equipment
- Reviewing Previous TA Findings
- Scheduling Equipment for a TA
- Creating an ECH for a TA
- Generating the TA Checklists
- Capturing TA Findings in the ECH
- Generating a Discovery Work Request
- Creating a CAIR for Discovery Work
- Approving the ECH
- Reviewing TA Progress in the Dashboard
- SIS Overview
- The Safety Lifecycle
- SIS Glossary
- SIS User Roles
- SIS Hierarchy
- Approval Process in SIS
- SIS Dashboards
- SIS Settings
- SIS Custom Reports & Queries
- HAZOP Overview
- HAZOP Main Screen
- Creating New HAZOPs
- HAZOP Details
- Residual Risk HAZOP Template
- SIS Drawings
- LOPA Overview
- The LOPA process steps in IMS
- LOPA Main Screen
- Creating New LOPAs
- LOPA Details
- SIS Change and Deferral
- SIF Analysis
- SIF Analysis Overview
- The SIF Analysis Steps
- SIF Analysis Main Screen
- Starting New SIF Analyses
- SIF Analysis Details Page
- SIF Analysis Details Page Overview
- SIF Analysis General Tab
- SIF Analysis Team Composition Tab
- SIF Design tab
- SIF Design Tab Layout
- Designing SIF Subsystems (Building the Hardware Configuration)
- Defining SIF Success Criteria
- Tuning and Setting SIF Test Intervals
- Calculating SIF Achieved PFD and Verifying Integrity
- Verifying SIF Dangerous Fault Tolerance requirements
- Verifying SIF Performance
- Verifying SIF Response Time
- Approving the SIF Design
- SIF Assessment Status
- SIF Design Status
- Revision History Tab (SIF Analysis)
- Regulations Tab (SIF Analysis)
- Overall Notes Tab (SIF Analysis)
- Recommendations Tab (SIF Analysis)
- Assigning Tests to Equipment Schedules
- SRS Report
- SIS Tutorial Videos
- SIS Equipment
- SIS Schedules
- SIS Condition history
- SIS Bowtie
- Print
- DarkLight
View for Easy Capturing of Findings
IMS provides an alternative view of Schedules which facilitates capturing and viewing inspection findings for multiple pieces of Equipment.
The toolbar on the Schedule Main Screen includes a button labeled "Easy capturing findings for multiple equipment". This button will bring you to a simplified view of Schedules.
To open the simplified view of Schedules:
- Go to the Schedules Main Screen.
- Select the applicable Schedules.
- Click the Easy capturing findings for multiple equipment button in the toolbar.

The Schedules page displays a simplified view of Schedules on the left, featuring a list of Schedules selected in the previous step. The alternate view of Schedules on the right includes a Header and a Menu with multiple tabs.

Schedule List
For each Schedule, the Schedule List provides:
- Related Equipment ID.
- Schedule ID.
- Schedule Description.
- Related ECH status.
Icon | ECH Status |
![]() | No ECH created |
![]() | DRAFT |
![]() | LEVEL 1 APPROVED |
The header displays the Equipment ID of the Equipment associated with the Schedule, the Schedule ID, and the Schedule Description; if an ECH is credited to the Schedule, the ECH's ID and Description will also be displayed.
In the top right corner, the status of the Schedule is displayed.
Menu with Tabs
The following Tabs are available in the Menu: Information, Checklists, Narrative, Attachments, and Approval. If no ECHs have been credited to the Schedule, only the Information Tab will be available.
The Information Tab consists of the following sections: Equipment Details, Specs, and Drawings (available only if drawings have been uploaded for that Equipment). For more information about these sections, visit the Equipment Details Page.
If no ECH has been credited to the Schedule, it is possible to create and credit one from this section.
To create and credit an ECH:
- Select the applicable Schedule from the Schedule List.
- Click Information to open the Information Tab.
- Click the blue Create ECH and credit it button.

- Fill in the data in the popup window.
- Click Save.
Once the ECH is created and credited, it is possible to create Checklists from the Checklist tab. For more information on how to create Checklists, see Step D: Specifying Inspection Data and Codes.
The Narrative Tab contains a Rich Text Editor which is used to write a Narrative or insert a default one by clicking the Insert default text button.
In this Tab pictures, drawings, reports, and other data can be uploaded and saved to be part of the Equipment file. For more information about Attachments, see IMS Details Page.
From the Approval Tab, it is possible to approve the ECH. For more information on Approving ECHs, see Step H: Approving ECHs (& Editing & Backout).
Applying Checklist Answers to other Checklists
Once the Electronic Checklist (ECH) has been created and the Checklist specified, the answers from the Checklist can be applied to other Checklists. To do so:
- Select the Schedule from the Schedule List.
- Click on the three dots in the top right corner.
- Click the Apply answers to other checklists button.

- Select the ECH to which you want to apply the answers.
- Click OK.