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3D Dashboard - Main Grid Integration
  • 09 Aug 2024
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3D Dashboard - Main Grid Integration

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Article summary

IMS has the ability to display connected data in a second IMS Tab or Window. This can be useful for performing QA/QC on 3D Models or accessing FLOCs or Equipment in the 3D Model directly from the Main Grid list view.

Viewing FLOCs/Equipment in the 3D Dashboard

To get started:

  • Open the IMS FLOC or Equipment Main Grid view in one tab.

  • In a second browser tab or window, open the 3D Dashboard.

Open two IMS tabs: FLOC Main Grid and 3D Dashboard.

Displaying FLOCs which are Mapped the 3D Model

It can be helpful to display only those FLOCs which have 3D geometry associated with them, or to display only those FLOCs associated with a specific 3D Model Area. The FLOC Main Grid (List View) is able to sort and filter by 3D Area.

To filter FLOCs by 3D Area:

  • Hover over the 3D Area column heading.

  • Click the Filter button.

Filtering FLOCs by 3D Area.
  • If you wish to save your Query, fill in the Name textbox. Leave it blank if you do not wish to save the Query for later use.

  • Enter the Criteria for you desired Query.

  • Click Save or Run without saving.

Query tool for filtering by 3D Area.

Only those FLOCs which are assigned to the 3D Areas satisfied by your query will be displayed in the FLOC Main Grid.

Selecting and Viewing FLOCs in the 3D Dashboard

To continue:

  • Select your desired FLOCs from the Main Grid.

  • Click the Show3D button in the toolbar. Note: The Show3D button will be greyed out until one or more FLOCs have been selected in the Main Grid.

Loading 3D Geometry for selected FLOCs.

 When you click the Show3D button, the tab with the 3D Dashboard should react by downloading the 3D Model.

3D Dashboard downloading 3D Data.

 Once the 3D Data has been downloaded:

  • Right-click on the 3D Zoom tool in the 3D Dashboard and select Zoom to loaded to zoom into the loaded geometry.

Right-click. Select

 By clicking on the FLOCs in the Main Grid, the selected FLOC will be displayed in the 3D Dashboard.

3D Dashboard - Main Grid
Displaying FLOC/Equipment Data in 3D Dashboard by using the Main Grid.

Unloading 3D Geometry

To unload the loaded 3D Geometry:

  • Click the UnLoad button in the toolbar.

Unloading 3D geometry.


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