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Barrier Status – Methodology
  • 30 Jan 2025
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Barrier Status – Methodology

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Article summary

Ultimately, the aim of Degradation Management is to verify the status of the Barriers (see Step 13 Barrier Verification - Execute, Analyze, Document). The Barrier Statuses, in turn, determine if/how to maintain the Barriers.

The Barrier Status verification process entails execution (inspect/monitor), analysis (e.g. CR calcs), and documentation (e.g. Equipment Condition Histories (ECHs), Calculation Summaries, CAIRs). When the verification data is captured in IMS (i.e. documented), the Barrier Statuses update and the Barrier Statuses can then be reviewed.

Barrier Status Definition

IMS distinguished between the following Barrier Statuses:


Barrier in place and healthy (Barrier fully present)


Barrier in place but compromised or partly effective (Barrier partly absent)


Barrier not in place or not effective (Barrier absent)


The actual Barrier status, based on the Indicators is Amber/Red, but actions are defined to return the status to Green


The Barrier’s status is unknow, i.e. no Indicators available (typically the case for a newly defined Barrier)

For absent and partly absent (compromised) Barriers (red and amber) a CAIR in IMS or other mitigating actions should be in place. The risk of red and amber Barriers should also be documented and reviewed in IMS.

Barrier statuses depends on items such as:

  • IOW exceedances (e.g. time outside limits)
  • Corrosion Rate
  • Inspection history
  • Adherence to specifications
  • Planned Actions (CAIRs)

Indicators of Barrier Status in IMS

The Barrier statuses are recorded automatically in IMS, but only if the inspection / monitoring findings are properly document in IMS.

As you continue to execute, analyze, and document your findings in IMS, Barrier Status Indicators, shown in the Corrosion Loop Degradation Management section, will be updated. For every combination of the DM and Barrier type in IMS, support can configure an Indicator to determine the Barrier Status. Currently there are four type of the Indicators configured:  

  • Process data
  • CR calculation 
  • ECH findings
  • Specifications 
Different Indicators in the CL Degradation Management section.

Barrier statuses are based on these Indicators. Every Indicator card shows the worst (i.e. driving) status of all the Components for that DM. In addition to the Indicators, the Mitigation cards, in the Actions Planned column, provide information about the planned actions, i.e. the CAIRs, in the system. If a CAIR is in place, it means that the risk will be mitigated and therefore the Barrier status becomes Yellow.

For example: There are two pipe Components to which a CUI DM was assigned to (during the RBI assessment). In the CL, the Barrier of type Coating was identified for the DM. In the ECHs, the inspector indicated deteriorated coating >20%. This turns the status for the ECH Indicators to Red, which, in turn, rolls up to a red Barrier status. Once CAIRs haves been created to fix the coating issue, they show up in the Actions Planned column and the Barrier status changes to Yellow (to show that it is being addressed). Once the CAIRs are credited, the status on both Indicator and Barrier turns Green!

The Barrier Status can also be seen outside the Corrosion Loop. It shows on all the IMS sections that can influence the Barrier. For example, on the ECH, ECH codes, RBI, and Corrosion Circuit.

A screenshot of a computer  Description automatically generatedBarrier status shown on different IMS sections.


Process Data Indicators and IOW Exceedance

For most P- and C-type Barriers, a Process Data Indicator will appear automatically in the Degradation Management section, next to the Barrier card. Note: This only happens if a Process Data Indicator has been configured for the specific Barrier Type. Contact your Support if an Indicator is needed, but not shown.

Process Data Indicator can be shown for P- and C-type Barriers.

The Process Data Indicator status depends on the IOW exceedance. IOW variables, defined in the CL (see Creating and Defining IOWs), should be linked to PI tags. This data is collected in nightly batch calls. Exceedances are then captured, based on the IOW definitions. The IOW exceedances then determine the Indicator status:


Inside (ESP) Target limit(s)


Outside (ESP) Target limits(s)


Outside (ESP) Integrity limit(s)


Status is unknown, e.g. not linked to IOW

Note: The same status will also automatically show on the Barrier card.

It is important to reset (overwrite) the Process Data Indicator’s status when the process problem has been fixed. Exceedances will then only be considered from this point onwards and older exceedances will be ignored.

Now let's start Reviewing Barrier Statuses in the Software!

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