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Calculation Summary Overview
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Calculation Summary Overview

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Article summary

The Calculation Summary section (on the Circuits) summarizes all the CR calculations. These include the Remnant Life (RL) and Next Inspection Date (NID) Calculations

The Calc Summary contains four tabs, Summary/Messages (see Tab: Summary/Messages), CML Calc Results (see Tab: CML Calc Results), Totals/Last Insp (see Tab: Totals/Last Insp) and Corr Rates IF (see Tab: Corr Rates IF), which can be used to review the data. Also, the CML Measurement History tab (see Data Quality (Identifying Anomalies)) should be reviewed. 

The CR data can be reviewed on the different Calc Summary tabs and CML Measurement History tab.

When the CR calcs have been reviewed, you must calculate the NID (click the calculate button) and then Final Approve the data (see Calculating and Approving the Calc Summary). The Corrosion Schedule of the Circuit will then be credited and a new NID will be set. Also, if the Circuit is inherited to an RBI Component, the Calc Summary will automatically be applied in the RBI Analysis Inspection History tab, to update the RBI LID (see Step 5 of the Degradation Management workflow). 

When done you can also Generate a Calc Summary Report.

For more information on how the Calculation Summary fits into the Degradation Management workflow go to Step 13 Barrier Verification - Execute, Analyze, Document.

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