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Capturing TA Findings in the ECH
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Capturing TA Findings in the ECH

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Article summary

After the ECH has been created (see Creating an ECH) and the Schedule credited (see Crediting the Schedule in the ECH), you can start capturing the Turnaround findings in the ECH.

1. Filling in the Checklists

First, you must select the desired Checklist and then start filling it in.

To select the desired Checklist:

  • On the ECH details page.
  • Scroll to the Inspection data and codes section.
  • Select the desired Checklist, e.g., select “FIRST INSPECTION-COLUMN” if this is your first inspection of the Column.

All the applicable Checklist fields will then be generated with “Visual Inspection” as a default Performed Action.

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedSelect the desired Checklist.


To show all Checklist fields for the Conditions Found:

  • Click What was found?.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Checklist and click Show more… if needed.

The full Checklist will then be shown.

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedThe full Checklist.


To fill in the Checklist:

  • For each applicable CONDITION FOUND, select the applicable VALUE with the dropdown.

For each Condition with a selected value, additional buttons will show: details, attachment, photo, and location. These can be used to further capture the findings.

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedFor each Condition with a selected value, additional buttons will show.


To further capture the findings:

  • Click on the “3 dots” button to open the details.
  • An Observation is created.
  • Add photos of your findings.
  • Describe your findings.
  • Add attachments if applicable.
  • Mark the location if possible.
A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedWhen you click the “3 dots” button, an Observation is created. Here all the findings can be captured.


To see the desired state (what good looks like):

  • Click the What good looks like button in the top right.
  • Take note that additional information is shown, e.g., on the Trays.
  • Click on the attachments to preview them.
Note: “What good looks like” first needs to be configured for each condition. If not yet configures, contact your CSA.
A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedWhen you click What good looks like, more information is shown on the desired state.


2. Adding a Narrative to the Condition History

In addition, the Checklists, more information can be captured in the Narrative section of the ECH.

To add a Narrative:

  • Click INSPECTION DATA to close the Checklist.
  • Scroll down to the Narrative section.
  • Click on the narrative area to capture your findings.
  • An editor is opened where you can capture general findings.
  • To use a default text:
    • Select a default text from the dropdown.
    • Click Insert default text.
  • Click on SUGGESTION to see a short summary from the Observations.
  • Click the arrow to insert these summaries if desired.
A screenshot of a social media post  Description automatically generatedThe Narrative window with the SUGGESTION shown.


To define a default text directly from the Narrative window:

  • Click Add new default.

3. Adding Drawings to the Condition History

Drawings can also be added to the ECH.

To add drawings:

  • Scroll to the Drawings and Documents section.
  • Type the drawing name in the File name field.
  • Click Search.
  • IMS will search and display the relevant drawings for the Equipment.
  • Click on the drawing Name.
  • Click on Use once.

The applicable drawing will then be displayed on this Condition history details page.

A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedSelected drawings will be shown in the Drawings and Documents section.


To capture an annotation on a drawing:

  • Scroll to the Drawings and Documents section.
  • Click on the desired drawing.
  • Focus on the relevant field and click on the “Photo” button in the bottom left corner.
  • An image is created, and annotation tools are available.
  • Make an annotation and go back.

This annotated drawing section will be captured in the Attachments section.

A screenshot of a social media post  Description automatically generatedThe Attachment section of the ECH, showing annotated photos.


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