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Creating new PEI Components
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creating new PEI Components

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Article summary

Components can be either GENERAL Components or newly created Components. GENERAL Components are auto generated when a new piece of Equipment is created. Each Equipment will have a GENERAL Component.

There are several places in the application from where you can add a new Component, for example:

Where to create a new Component from:


Component main grid

(Header bar)

Equipment main grid

(Side info bar)

Equipment details

(RBI section)

To create a Component:

  • Click + to create a new Component.
  • Enter the required data in the pop-up window. See the table below.
  • Click Save when done.

The new Component will be created, and you will be redirected to the detail page of the Component that was just created.

Component pop-up fields:


Equipment ID

This field is auto populated based on the object from which you are creating the Component.


Hierarchy path for this Component (read-only).

Component number

The Component ID which should be unique for each Equipment-Component combination.


The name of the Component, by default the Equipment Name is filled in here, but it can be changed. This is the field Short Description in the query builder.

Corrosion Loop

The CL which will be assigned to the new Component. (You can also make this link from the CL Details page.)

 Note: A Component must be linked to a CL before applicable DMs can be assigned to the Component

Component Type

The type of Component. The available types to choose from depends on the Hierarchy Type / Equipment Group of the parent Equipment. You must select the most appropriate Component Type, which best represents the area of the Equipment that the Component will be representing. 

Note: The available Component Types are configured in Settings, based on the Equipment Group (see Hierarchy Type Configuration in Settings). To see all the configured Component Types, go to Settings \ Maintenance \ Configuration \ Configuration per Hierarchy Type. Then filter for Component Types. Or filter for Equipment Groups to see which Component Types are assigned to a specific Equipment Group


The material of construction of the Component. By default, this is inherited form the Equipment.

Start Date

The start date of the Component. By default, the date of the parent Equipment is inherited.


Indicates whether the Circuit is active or inactive.


A description of the Component.

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