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PEI Components - Details Page
  • 09 Aug 2024
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PEI Components - Details Page

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Article summary

To open a Component Details Page, click on the desired Component ID hyperlink in the Component main screen (or on any other screen). See IMS Details Page.

The Component Details Page can be divided into sections.

The header of the detail page shows the name of the Component / Component ID and several navigation options.

The Component details header.


For more information of the icons see IMS Details Page.


Most of the fields listed in this section are described in Creating new PEI Components. In addition, you can also specify the Longitude / Latitude / Altitude and the Inheritance to a Circuit.

Setting Inheritance between Circuits and Components

A Component and a Circuit can be set up to be inherit. In this way the Component inherits the Circuit specs as well as the CR and RCA, while the Circuit inherits the Component’s IF. For more information see Relationship between CLs, Components and Circuits.

One of 3 options can be selected in the Inherit field. This determines what data is inherited:

  • "Equipment Specs": The Component will only inherit the Equipment specifications. There is no link with a Circuit. This is the default selection.
  • "Circuit Specs": The Component will also inherit Specification data (incl. CR and RCA) from the corrosion Circuit.
  • "Circuit + IF": The Component will inherit Specification data (incl. CR and RCA) from the corrosion Circuit and the Component’s RBI Interval Factor (IF) is linked to the corrosion Circuit.

The inheritance can be set from either the Component Detail Page (see figure below) or the Circuit Details Page. When set up from the Circuit the option will automatically be “Circuit + IF”. 

Note: Only Circuits on the same Equipment as the Component will be available to inherit.

An Inherit option must be selected, as well as the Circuit(s) themselves.For more information on CR calculations see: PEI Corrosion Calculations and Calc Summary and PEI Trending and Corrosion Analysis. To see how the linked Circuit's CR and RCA is used to estimate the Component's Remnant Life (RL), and thus the NID during the RBI Analysis see Step 6 of the Degradation Management Implementation workflow.

Deleting Components

To delete a Component:

  • Go to the Component Details Page (see IMS Details Page).
  • In the Details section, click Edit.
  • Uncheck the Active checkbox to make the Component Inactive.
  • Click Save.
  • Now the Delete button will also show in the Details section.
  • Click Delete. Note: Deletion will not be possible if the inheritance is set. You will first need to remove the inheritance.
  • A pop-up will ask you to confirm. Review the details and click OK (or Cancel). Note: You may need to first remove an Explicit object.

A pop-up message will appear stating that the deletion of the Component was successful.

Take Note
When a Component is added to the Schedule scope and the Inspection Event is approved, the Component becomes part of the permanent historical record. From that point onward, the Component may not be deleted until the Schedule itself is deleted. It is not sufficient to remove the Component from the Schedule scope as that only serves to create the newer historical record, it does not alter the existing record.

In Schedule scope

This section shows the Schedules associated which the Component.

Schedule grid:



Name and ID of the Schedule

Equipment ID

Equipment to which the Component, and thus also the Schedule, is assigned to, click on the Equipment ID to open the Equipment details.


The linked Circuit name

Schedule Type

The Schedule type: Default, Inspection, Corrosion, CAIR or RBI Reassessment.


Category of the Schedule specified by user:

  • Category 1: Integrity
  • Category 2: Reliability
  • Category 3: Long term reliability

Last Insp Date

Last inspection date on recurring Schedules for which a previous Schedule was already credited.

Next Insp. Date

The Schedule’s Next Inspection Date (NID).


The current approval status of the event.


Recurring Schedule (true/false).


Offline Schedule (true/false).


Intrusive Schedule (true/false).


Shows a timeline for the Next Inspection Date (NID) and Next Next Inspection Date (NNID).


Schedule description.

Responsible Party

Responsible Discipline, e.g. EI only.

Schedule Driver

Schedule driver, e.g. RBI-Asset, Corrosion calc, etc.

Pending Status

The status of the Schedule (e.g. Insp Complete, Recalculation, Sched Edit / New Insp)

Nr. Of Attachments

Number of attachments

For more information in Schedules in general see PEI Schedules.

Card View

You can change from grid view to card view. To do this, click the display button A picture containing graphical user interface  Description automatically generated in the top right corner. Each Schedule will then be displayed as a Card.


You can use the filters to see specific Schedules. By default, the Active Schedules will show.

You can filter for Active or Inactive Schedules.


Adding Components to Schedule Scope

Inspection Schedules are registered for the Equipment. Usually these are visual inspections with various checks and balances. The NID can be determined by legal requirements, RBI, a User Date, or an Event Date. An Inspection Schedule can be made recurring, and this is also usually the case.

The scope of a Schedule can include a General Component or (one or multiple) Component-Degradation Mechanism (DM) combinations. For a General Component there is no DM assigned to it. The figure below shows the Scope and plan codes section on a Schedule. Here the selected scope is Component “INSP45-V-104-SHELL” in combination with DM “H2 BL/HIC/SOHIC”. Below the selected scope, the PLAN can be specified.

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedIn the Schedule’s Scope and plan code section either the General Component or (one or more) Component-DM combinations can be selected.

The Component-DM combinations can be added to a Schedule’s scope from various places. For example, you can do it directly from the Schedule’s Scope and plan codes section by selecting a Component-DM card (see figure above), or from the RBI Analysis window, or from the Equipment’s RBI section (see figure below). This is normally done in Step 12 of the Degradation Management Implementation workflow.

Click the “Add to scope” button to add a Component-DM combination to an Inspection Schedule. 


The Hierarchy grid shows the Equipment, Component and Circuits assigned to this parent Equipment. A Circuit is an area of the Equipment, which is subject to similar Corrosion Rates (internal corrosion). The Components of an Equipment are designed to be assessed in RBI and can cover more than just internal corrosion mechanisms. For more information on how the hierarchy works see PEI Hierarchy.

From here you can also create a New Circuit.

Information from the included Components and Circuits is rolled-up to the Equipment level, such as earliest Remnant Life (RL), earliest Next Inspection Date (NID), based on all assigned Equipment Schedules and the Last Inspection Date (LID).

Table  Description automatically generatedThe Hierarchy section on the Component Details Page.


RBI Analysis

Mechanical design Barriers should have a verification at the Equipment level, i.e., an inspection. To determine when and how to inspect, a risk assessment of the Barriers should first take place, at the Component level. This is where the RBI Analysis comes in. The RBI Analysis is implemented on the Component level, per Degradation Mechanism (DM). See Step 3 Start RBI Analysis and Assign DMs to Components.

The RBI grid will show a column for each DM assigned to the Component. If you click on one of these DM IDs, you will be navigated to the RBI Analysis. The table below explains the data grid.

RBI grid:



Last Inspection Date


Last Legal Inspection Date

Legal Local Interval

Legal Local Interval


Remaining Corrosion Allowance


Selected Corrosion Rate


Remnant Life (in number of years) (RCA * SCR)

RL Lining

The Lining’s Remnant Life


The RBI Confidence

Interval Factor

RBI calculated IF

IF Lining

The RBI calculated IF for the Lining


Maximum Inspection Interval (RL * IF)

MII Lining

The Lining’s Maximum Inspection Interval


The Component ID

Corrosion Loop

The linked CL ID


RBI Criticality (measure of long-term average risk).

NID Ultimate

RBI Next Inspection Date (LID + MII)


Next Legal Inspection Date (LLID + Legal interval)


Next Inspection Date (horse race NIDULT and NLID)

Inspection Strategy

The RBI Inspection Strategy (IS) (not applicable to Age-Related (AR) DMs)


This shows the Status of the RBI Analysis, e.g. “Analysis not started”, “Analysis in progress”, etc.

Starting an RBI Analysis and assigning DMs to the Component

This is Step 3 of the Degradation Management Implementation workflow.

If there is no Corrosion Loop (CL) linked to the Component, then it is not possible to start an RBI Analysis, since no DMs will be available to assign to the Component.

To start a new RBI Analysis for a Component:

  • Scroll down to the RBI Analyses section on the Component Details Page.
  • Click New Analysis.
Scroll to the RBI analyses section and click New Analysis to start an RBI Analysis.


  • In the popup, select one or more of the listed DMs. Note: Only the DMs identified in the Component’s associated CL are listed, and available, to be assigned (see Step 2 of the Degradation Management Implementation workflow). 
Take Note
  • For PRVs the DEMAND SCENARIOS are automatically assigned to the Component.
  • For Tanks, tabs with questionnaires are shown to help determine which DMs to analyze.
  • Click Save when done.
A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedAssign DMs to the Component. The list contains all DMs assigned to the Component’s associated CL.

To start an RBI Analysis when DMs have already been assigned to the Component:

  • Click the RBI assessment icon in the Component's Details Page header, or
A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedClick the RBI icon to start an RBI Analysis.


  • Click the DM hyperlink in the RBI Analysis section.
A screenshot of a cell phone  Description automatically generatedIf a DM has already been assigned, click the DM hyperlink to go to the RBI assessment.



Component Specifications stores the asset integrity data for the Component. The available Specs depend on the Component Type. Component Specifications can be inherited from the parent (i.e., Equipment). If a spec is being inherited (i.e., Inherit is set to active and shows in read mode), the spec value cannot be modified and is continually aligned with the parent specs. Remember that specs can also be inherited from a Circuit. This inheritance is set up in the Component Details section (see above).

Note: When specs are inherited from the parent Equipment, the specs will change when the Component is moved to another piece of Equipment.

For more information on the Specs section and also on inheriting Specs see IMS Details Page.


In this section pictures, drawings, reports, and other data can be uploaded and saved to be part of the Components file. For more information on using the Attachments section see IMS Details Page.


During the RBI workshop and Corrosion Loop review, valuable recommendations are often suggested by the team. These, and other, can be capture in the Recommendations section. In edit mode the section is shown as a Rich Text Field (RTF) with several features. 

Graphical user interface, text, application  Description automatically generatedWhen in Edit mode you can insert RTF or even add new RTF defaults.


Rich Text Default

IMS offers the possibility to define rich text defaults for several sections in IMS. For more information see IMS Details Page.

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